Chapter 7

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'Some legends are told,
some turn to dust or gold,
but you will remember meeeeee, remember me for cen-'

'Kay, please stop sound absolutely awful'

I turn in my seat and give Jason a dirty glare. I sounded so beautiful and he just insults me like that. Way to kill a person's self esteem.

'Whatever, you jealous bozo.'

He laughs loudly.

We're driving home after having a nice breakfast at the nearest Mugg and Bean. Jason insisted that he wanted some of the heavenly monstrosity also known as a 'Mugg and Bean Chocolate Muffin' before tackling the task that lay ahead of us today.

It's not easy containing the excitement that I've been buzzing with for the remainder of yesterday and part of this morning. I'm hoping that something interesting happens today. I don't really know why but I'm starting to hope that this prophecy is real and what Jason and I are doing, isn't completely for fun but for a purpose.

Though, that's complete nonsense. It's a prophecy which means that it's not real.

'Oh get out and stop being such a baby', Jason says happily and gets out of the car.

While being annoyed at him insulting me, I didn't realise that we've reached home already. We get out and make our way to his bedroom.

Today's the big day. Today, we will hopefully get answers to the questions we have about the prophecy.

I make my way to the foot of Jason's bed and sit down on the floor while he heads to his wardrobe to retrieve the Manuscript.

After getting the book out, Jason comes and sits down beside me. I rub my hands and he rolls his shoulders.


'I'm ready', I reply enthusiastically.

'Lets do this'

And he opens the Manuscript.

The first thing that meets our eye is the tattoo-like design on the fly leaf. I don't know why I thought that something would be different about the book. It looks exactly the same- if not dustier than it was the last time we opened it.

Jason traces the pattern lightly with his fingertips before jerking his hand back, a bewildered expression on his face.

He looks curiously at his hand, back at the page he just touched and then at me in confusion.

'What?', I shrug in question.

In reply, he takes my hand and puts it where his hand was a few seconds ago. It takes a few moments for me to realise something odd.

There's a slight buzzing underneath my fingers. I grab my hand off the book and examine it, much like Jason just did his. I place my hand back on the page and trace the pattern all over the page.

There is a definite buzzing. Although, it's definitely not coming from my fingers.

'Now isn't that odd?', I ask myself but Jason answers.


The book is vibrating lightly. It almost feels... alive. I wonder why it didn't vibrate the last time we used it. It's probably because we didn't touch the pattern. Could this mean that this, this throbbing is the book's life force?

My mind is in turmoil and I can't fathom out whether we are actually feeling the vibrations from the book or if I'm dreaming again. I know for sure that if this is a dream, it'll give me more clues to unlocking the secrets of the prophecy, but if it's not a dream, then, well...

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