#12:Never have i....

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"Shit!" I yelled and slammed my hands on the wall.

"Maia!!!" I yell going down the marble staircase.

"Leave me alone!!!!" She yelled and clossed the front door.

I ran to the door and opened it to see she was gone. I was Mad,upset,Ashamed of my self. I never yelled at Maia. Never. No one did. I went back inside to the guys there asking what happened? Where is she? Where did she go?

"Just shut up!" Shawn yelled

I looked up to see him there Upset as well. I got up and ran to the door and got my keys.

"Shawn,Nash,Cameron! Yall come with me! The rest of you stay just in case she comes back!" I yell everyone nodded in approval.

We went outside and got in the car. We drove around. Cameron was driving. I texted Maia.


M=Were are you?

M=Maia please answer me!

M=Maia!!!! Answer please!

M= please.....

End of conversation

I turn my iPhone 6 off and sit there worried what if something happened to her? My litle sister that lights my world. What would happen to her...she's my life. My everything. I cried worried what would happen to my princes?

"Hold on i think i see her talking to someone?" Nash says

"What?" we said

"Yeah look by the swings." Nash says

We stoped at a park it was 10:00 pm. I looked closer to see it was her. I got out the car to see it was a man. He tried to touch her. But Maia moved away and started to walk away.

"Hey am done with you!" He yelled at her

"Leve me alone!" She says

"Your coming with me!" He says to her.

I walk to them to see Maia lock eyes with me. The Man turns around and i see he was all beat up. I walked to Maia and hug her but she gets out of my grip and walks backwards.

"Who the fuck are you?" He said to me.

"Am her brother!" I yell to him back.

Then when he saw Maia he smirked and walked away the other direction.

"I will find you Maia!" He yelled and left.

I walked to her. She looked at me. Then turned away.

"Maia am sorry!"

"Am sorry i yelled at you for something that i shouldn't be mad at. I should have told you it would be fine. Am sorry. Am sorry for everything.!" I said

"Am sor-"

"Me to!" She says and hugs me crying in my shoulder.

I hug back and then we get in the car and we go home. After get home and every one left. I took her upstairs o my room and i layed down with her as she feel asleep in my arms.

"I will never let go..."

"Little Miss Espinosa...."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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