Lads of Steel

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I remember years ago. Back in grade 7. I remember I was bullied simultaneously. I couldn't do nothing and Many were jelly of my break dancing. Others wanted to steal my board. And others just wanted to be as smart as me.

Then I told them. Told them I was happy. And my heart wasn't broken. Understand they would not. They didn't know that, I had my own passion. Understanding their greed felt impossible... Impossible.

Then I met them lads. The fastest, nicest lads. We would skate together. And also dance together. Enter the junior comps! And win the pre-teen trophies.

Those days were the days that made the preps and jocks jelly, but I only wish that they lasted.

Another month later, a newbie showed up. I told my lads I had an immense crush on her, and I can't believe they weren't listening.

A few weeks later, my best mate started seeing her. When I had found out, I was infuriated! I felt like punching him, but I knew that would be stupid.

Then there was a mate of mine who was always there for me. Then our yearlies came up, and boy was my mate unprepared. Halfway through, most likely more, he glanced at my paper. Once I had realised, I looked at him, whilst he was acting as if he wasn't. Then I glanced at his paper to see how much he had copied. Then the false hawk caught me.

The head of maths teacher screamed out "I saw that!". What she hadn't seen was a display of one of the world's worst friends. From then on, me and him never spoke to each other.

I didn't expect an apology from any of these guys, except this one lad. He became my bestie, and we stuck like glue. Every fight, every detention and every lesson. Then, he started hanging out with the two lads who had betrayed me in the past. The lads who bullied me, the lads who outcast me, and the ones who made me cry.

I saw a pattern with all these lads. I thought myself to be stupid. Not noticing the most ideal friends would be the rule breakers.

I guess my report was going down. My popularity was shifting, and lads who had bullied me previously had black eyes. My name stroke fear into the primary kids.

But then I thought, I don't want all this. I just want a mate who I can trust.

Then those lads who had betrayed me previously, sulked back toward me. And they apologized for all the shit they had caused me, and then I did see.

That they became my friend group, whilst the rule breakers where still mates, but mates from another life. A life I never want to enter.

If you find your life similar in any way, tell me on kik (mcrafi9) subscribe and message me on YouTube (McRafi9) or contact me on Wattpad. Pre-teen and teen life will be the highlights of your life.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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