Going shopping part 2

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Your P.O.V

As I was walking with Maka,Liz, and patty I saw this really cool clothing store it was called forever 21. It had lots of awesome clothing Maka,Liz and patty and I walked in a I saw this really cool outfit (the one in the pic above)I wen't to the dressing room. When I came out all the girls where screaming because of how cute I looked but I thought it was cool looking. The girls were surprised because when I turned around they saw my tattoo and I just told them it was from a bet that I got at a party at my old school but It was not a bet it was from a witch that cursed me but I don't want anyone to know I said to myself. So I got undressed and put my regular outfit on and went to the cashier. We paid and left to back to Makas house we opened the door and there was soul, Blackstar, kid waiting for us to come back.

Soul P.O.V

We were waiting for the girls to come because we wanted to ask them if they wanted to play 8 mins in heaven (thanks to kids OCD) when they got home. I wen't up to the girls and ask them if they wanted to play 8 minutes in heaven. They all nodded and we wen't to the Guest bedroom and we all sat down. Alright let's do this I said.

Sorry guys for not updating I'm really busy and lots of homework (ugh) well here you go love author-chan❤️

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