The Siege?

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Arwen: People Of Mitheitel Do Not Be Afraid For The Orcs

A Young Women Comes Forward From The Crowd

Olivia: But We The People Of Mitheitel Are Not Strong We Can Not Fight Orcs

Eruwen: But You Have Us It Is Not Much But We Will Fight

Peasant: But Do You Know If They Will Come Here

Arwen: We Do Not Know

Eruwen: We Only Know That They Are Close

Another Couple Days Went By And Arwen And Eruwen Stayed In Mitheitel For Safety

They Wanted To Go But A Couple Hours Before They Wanted To Go A Scout Said That He Saw A Whole 

Orc Army

General Of The Army: Every Man Who Can Fight Come With Me

Arwen: How Big Is The Army

Scout: About 1000 Uruk-Hai

Arwen: Eruwen Go To The Wall Scout Can You Go To Rivendell And Give Them A Message

Arwen Whispers A Message To The Scout The Scout Leaves With His Horse

Night Falls

Eruwen: You Can See The Hundreds Of Uruk-Hai Waiting There In There Camps

A Quit Moment Apears

The Uruk-Hai Started To Move Agian

Arwen: Then This Is It The Fight Begins

The Uruk-Hai are Close To The Wall

General: Archers Draw Your Bows

Every Archer Draws There Bow Even Arwen And Eruwen

Arwen: They Have Low Armor In There Necks And In There Armpits!!

You Can Hear The Uruk-Hai's Breath

The Uruk-Hai Halted They Started Yelling

They Started Running To The Wall

General: Ready! Fire!

All The Arrows Flew Arround You Could Here Them Very Well A Hundred  Or Even More Died

The Uruk-Hai Took Their Ballista's And Fired The Hooks With Rope Attached To Them In The Wall

The Uruk-Hai Started Climbing On The Wall And Got Quickly On The Wall

Arwen: Archers To The Gate Knights To The Walls

The Knights Where On The Wall But Soon When They Where There The Orcs Came

Arwen: Hold Ground

Arwen Grabbed Her Sword And Started Killing Orcs

She Sliced Them And Cut Them Open Like Butter

General: Fall Back

All Elfs And Peasants Ran Back The Orcs Invaded The City But The Archers Shot A Nother Line Of Orcs 

Down Then The Knights Came Charging In Olivia Started Screaming A Crossbow Bolt Hit Her 

Olivia: Help Me Please

Eruwen Killed The Orcs Arround Olivia And Grabbed Her And Pulled Her In Safety

The Orcs Where Outnumbered The Archers Released On More Rain Of Arrows And Then Most Of The 

Orcs Died Arwen Grabbed A Orc

Arwen: Go To Your Leader And Say What You Saw now Run !

The Orc Ran Away All The Wounded Orcs Where Slaughter All The Fallen Men Where Burried

A Few Days Of Rebuilding The City Arwen And Eruwen Decided To Leave The City 

They Went To Mithlond Agian

Arwen Stepped On Her Horse And Eruwen On Her Elk And They Where Out Of The City

Olivia: Wait! Wait! Can I Come With You On Adventure

Eruwen: Did You Not Get Shot?

Oliva: Yes But I Am Feeling Better now

Eruwen: I Am Okay With It you To Arwen

Arwen: Yea Sure

Oliva: Great I Am Back In A Second

Oliva Grabbed Her Stuff And Went On A Adventure With Arwen And Eruwen

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