Chapter 1

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(A/N~ Before you start reading this story I would just like to say thank you for clicking on it in the first place. Yes I know that it's not much for you to click on a story and start reading it because, duh, it's Wattpad a place that is dedicated to books, but it still means a lot to me. I also would like to tell you this story is a work in progress, so if grammar sucks every once in a while I'm sorry. With that I like to wish you happy reading and I hope you enjoy my story c: Btw Emporia is a real place, it's in Virginia.)

'Why Katlyn you were happy in Boston, well no you weren't that's why you came back in the first place, still, why?' I thought to myself over and over again. I'm almost to my apartment and still deciding if this idea was the right choice, what will people ask me? I haven't called or texted anyone from Emporia since leaving. Wait, who cares? They probably haven't even tried looking for me, 'No, they're most likely losing their shit cause' they haven't found you yet.' My self conscience defends. Honestly, it's right, I never looked back on Emporia because it is where it all began. In case you didn't already know, I'm a vampire. No one other than me knows, it's for the best.

My thoughts were interrupted by the taxi driver telling me we're here. I think I'm going to puke, not kidding. All my memories of my life in Emporia came flooding back as I breathed in the fresh Autumn air. I paid the driver and got my luggage out of the trunk, taking it inside my apartment. I decided not to move back home for obvious reasons, but I did decide to go back to school. I know that it's a risk given that I'm a Vampire, but I can't be a Vampire and be dumb.

It's also relieving that I get to see Clarissa again even though she'll have a million questions. Clarissa has been my best friend since dorky 7th grade when I was growing hair in places I didn't want to be. I just hope that she doesn't tell my parents I'm back cause' that would just be a lot of crying, yelling, questioning, and lots of other things that I don't want to deal with right now. Right now I just want to deal with unpacking my luggage.

I finally get unpacked and I was kind of hungry, so I got my blood bag that I packed and went hammer on that thing. I know that to other people it doesn't sound appetizing but believe me it's the best taste in the world. I've never killed for my blood I've only got it from hospitals, but I'm sure the fucker who did this to me does it all the time. No, I wasn't born like this, I was turned into what I am. I never like to think about what happened but since this is a special occasion, I will.

The whole started with me being stupid enough to get drunk and go into the woods with my friends, basically Seth thought it would be fun to every Friday have a drinking night with his friends. Of course being a stupid teen, I decided it would be fun too, long story short, it wasn't. 1 bottle of Vodka later I'm in the woods with everyone, but being me I needed to pee. So, I walked to a tree nearby, making sure no one was there (even though I was drunk I still had morals) and did my business. Once I was done I tried to find everyone but I was lost. I got my phone out to try to call someone, but there wasn't any service. I heard footsteps behind me, but whoever it was they bit me before I was able to turn around and I woke up in the forest with one set of teeth indented into my neck.

Since this is the twenty-first century we have multiple websites dedicated to Vampires, that's where I learned everything I need to know about my new self... for now. Yes I know it's not the best way to get information, but at the time I didn't know what to do.

I mean, I can't really go to the person who bit me and be like, "Hey, so I know you probably don't remember me but I was the girl you bit in the forest that one night, and I was wondering if you could tell me how to be a Vampire since you turned me into one." He would most likely kill me or something.

I decided that I was done with revisited my past for one night and headed upstairs to take a shower, then go to sleep because I start school again tomorrow. As I lay in my bed I think about how school will be tomorrow. The worst thing about going back to school will be the people asking questions and my bite mark. Even though I cover it up with all the makeup I have it's still noticeable. I can't really say I was bit by a animal, but I also can't say I was bit by a Vampire.

I drift asleep with all these things on my mind, not really making it a great sleep on my part. Why the hell did that Vampire have to bite me. Why could they not bite that motherfucker across the street from my old house. I did absolutely nothing wrong but have fun with my friends, well I did under age drink, but that doesn't mean they had to ruin my life! They weren't even brave enough to show their face just so I could know who did it, oh, I guess they didn't do it because they knew I would tell the police... OR THEY'RE JUST A BABY!

I wake up to my alarm telling me hell is starting now, but I have to go if I want to have an education . I don't do anything to special, I just put on light-washed skinny jeans, my favorite T-shirt (Paws instead of Jaws), and my black converse. Yes I sound like a basic white girl, but it's what I normally wear. Plus every other girl is wearing basically what I'm wearing. I put a tiny amount of makeup on and cover up my bite mark. If you were wondering about my hair, I don't really care about it so I threw it into a ponytail. Then I packed blood bags into my bag making sure to hide them well, then headed to school.

I hope this was the right decision.


I hope you liked this Chapter! I know it's not that long but I'll make sure to make longer Chapters in the future!

Please follow my Wattpad account to see other stories in the future!

I'll try to update as soon as I can, but I still have school and this week is finals week so I most likely won't update until next week or the weekend.

I hope you have a nice day and thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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