The Waiting

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"Nico?" Will mumbled, rubbing his eyes with his hands. "You're already up? Did you get any sleep?" he asked, slipping into doctor mode. "You need to sleep, Death Boy. Waking up so early won't help your health at all."

"Solace, it's eleven in the morning," deadpanned di Angelo, grateful for the distraction. The last thing he needed was to dwell on the fact that he had just been making out with his friend's father.

"What?!" Will exclaimed, sitting abruptly, and waking up his siblings. "It can't be that late!"

"It is," confirmed the son of Hades. "I don't see the problem. You were tired, so you slept more than usual. It's normal behavior."

"We need to take care of our patients!" said Solace, getting off the bed and straightening his clothes. "A lot of people got hurt in the war, the majority gravely. They need attention almost 24/7. We can't have the privilege of resting."

"You do, Will," denied Nico. "You are human, just like them. You saved a lot of lives during both wars and even helped with childbirth. I think... no, I am sure that they'll understand if you need more sleep than necessary." The children of Apollo looked at him with wide-open, surprised eyes. "Now, all of you, get to your cabin, shower, change your clothes, have breakfast, and then get your butts over here to treat your patients." When di Angelo saw none of them moving, he glared at them, though with no heat. "What are you waiting for? It was an order. Get out of here now!" The four blonds rushed out of the infirmary as fast as they could.

Better not anger a hurt son of Hades, they thought, running toward their cabin.

"Idioti," murmured Nico under his breath before turning on his heels to face the door, a thoughtful expression on his face. "What should I do now?" he asked himself out loud. "I don't know a damn thing about healing people."

"We will help you with that," nine female voices chanted behind him.

Di Angelo, startled, turned around rapidly, and pointed Efiáltis at the intruders. His beautiful three-foot-long black falcata sword forged from Stygian Iron, glimmered in a supernatural violet-blackish hue. However, he lowered his sword when he saw who was behind him. The nine muses were standing, dressed like nurses, in the middle of Nico's infirmary room.

"What are you doing here?!" demanded the son of Hades.

He had just freed himself from Apollo's children, intending not to think about the god and to help them, and now this happens. How will I be able to try to ignore what happened just minutes ago if the muses who represent Apollo's artistic domains are here? Di Angelo screamed into his own head.

"Lord Apollo sent us to help you, Niccolo, and to thank you for starting to take care of his children," answered Clio.

"Starting?" asked the son of Hades, fearful of the answer.

"Well, you won't stop caring for them when you get with Apollo," replied Erato. "After all, that will be one of your responsibilities. By the way, it is really nice of you to begin now. They need a mother figure, now that they've lost so much."

"Mother figure?!" squeaked Nico, feeling the start of a panic attack.

"Yes!" Thalia confirmed happily, not noticing Nico's state, as none of her sisters did. "It's good practice for the future."

"Future?" the son of Hades said breathlessly, starting to hyperventilate.

"Lord Apollo has a lot of children; you'll need practice before you start taking care of them when you both get together," Calliope told Nico.

Getting together... motherhood... a lot of children... WHAT THE TARTARUS IS GOING ON?! Does Apollo want me to have a heart attack? Di Angelo's thoughts were running wild in his head.

"Just... go out there and help as many demigods as you can... please," the son of Hades asked for the muses' help. When they had gone, he prayed for help. "Dad... I don't know what to do... please help me."

Meanwhile, in Apollo's grand castle in Olympus, the blond God meticulously began planning a series of dates with the demigod who had captured his heart. Seven dates, each meticulously thought out, as Apollo couldn't fathom the idea of anything going wrong. The mere thought of Nico wanting nothing to do with him after a misstep haunted the God.

Apollo found himself struggling with a depth of emotion he hadn't expected, especially for a son of Hades. The last time he felt such intense emotions was with Hyacinthus, an experience he swore never to let happen again. He couldn't bear losing another lover, especially not by his own hands. Apollo's past had taught him to be cautious, to only invest his love in those who were true and not motivated by power. Yet, in Nico, he sensed a genuine connection, and if Apollo's plans unfolded as intended, the God wouldn't have to worry about falling for the wrong person ever again.

His twin sister, Artemis, noticed the change in Apollo's aura. The sun seemed to shine with newfound brilliance and warmth, unlike the punishing brightness of the past years. Which lead to Artemis to teleport to her twin's castle, as always, she chose the silver armchair his brother kept just for her.

"What's gotten into you, Apollo?" Artemis inquired, her presence startling the God. With a raised eyebrow, she continued, "The sun is shining brighter and more joyously than it has in ages. The last time it glowed so radiantly was when Dad appointed you as God of the Sun, after Helios vanished. It's not the stern brilliance of punishment; it's comforting. What's happening?"

Apollo grinned widely. "I'm getting everything ready to woo Nico."

"Nico di Angelo? Bianca's younger brother?" Artemis questioned.

"Do you remember Nico's older sister? She was your huntress for a brief period," Apollo replied, surprised.

"I remember all my huntresses, dead and alive, even those who only spent a few hours in the hunt," Artemis answered sternly before softening. "So, you're interested in Hades's son. Do you realize our uncle will tear you to pieces when he finds out? And that young demigod went through so much, helping us immensely. He deserves more than being just another conquest of yours."

"I love him, Arti," Apollo retorted, surprising his twin with the intensity of his response. He locked eyes with her, something he rarely did when discussing matters of the heart. "And I despise that everyone thinks he means nothing to me."

Artemis observed her brother, noting a vulnerability she hadn't seen before. "He believes that doesn't he? Is there any way I can assist you?" she offered thoughtfully. If her twin was in love, the only thing she could do was aid him. Even if the thought of relationships made her shiver, her brother deserved happiness.


Idioti (Italian) = Idiots (English).

Efiáltis (Greek) = Nightmare (English). It's the name I gave to Nico's sword.

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