Life changes(part 2)

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I kept chasing them for awhile

now as it seems that they are

very fast. Soon they realize that I

wasn't going to give up so they

decided to fight me instead. So

girl was able to run away. The

Guys started to charge at me at

the same time. I quickly jumped

up to dodged them then turned

around and shot fireballs from

my hand. I landed a hit on them

but it wasn't good enough. They

came at me again this time for

close combat. It was very

difficult fighting these two at the

same time. After a series of

kicking, dodging, and punching

they both landed hits on me

knocking me a few feet. Trying

to get up they ram me into a

brick wall cracking a rib. I was

in so much pain that I could

barley get up. They tried to

charge at me again but this time

I shat a fire ball at there feet to

trip them. But being in so much

pain I missed. I didn't know

what else to do but to just stay

there and take the hit. But just

before they hit I heard lighting.

Just at that moment I was watch

the two guys break a hole.

through the wall and as I looked

up I saw another one like me. He

had electric sparks coming put

from his body and had a sword

on his back.

"Are you ok"

"Yea thanks for the save" I said

struggling to get up.

"Stay here"

He went to face them on his own

and in just a few minutes they

were laying on the floor


"By the way im sliver the girl

you were chasing was my sister.

She told me that you were

helping her but when she saw

you didn't follow after awhile

she told me to go help out.

Anyway thanks for the help here

come back to my place to rest

for a while"

Being badly damaged I accepted

"By the way my name is Flame"

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