Part I

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Today was just like every other day.


The same things, the same faces, the same chases, the same mistakes, the same fate.


Today I didn't do much. I woke up, did my usual morning routine and plugged in my earphones. I ate, slept, listened to music, and wandered off into my own world. My world. 


I wanted to get things done today. I wanted to have fun today. I wanted to live today.

But instead, I did the same exact thing.

Life was boring,


Today, i did it again. I have to admit, it took a long while for me to actually comprehend what I was doing. What I had started.

I held it against my wrist before actually gliding it across.

I never cry.

It never hurts.

I like it.


Today I decided to only do one, but the more deeper I went, the more my brain screamed for more.

I did more.


Today was a good day.

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