Absense and love

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Remus collapsed exhaustedly against, what had once been, a short stone wall. He had weathered his second transformation since going to live with the wolf pack, as they referred to themselves, the night before and was a bit ragged. Unable to acquire the wolfsbane potion amongst the other wolves and unwilling to endanger others he'd locked himself away leaving moony to claw and bite at himself in frustration.

He glanced up at the approach of his only link to the order, and thereby his child. "Hullo Tonks, news?" He breathed out in greeting.

Tonks winced at the sight of him. She rushed over grasping his chin in her small nimble fingers and inspecting the myriad of new cuts and scratches, "oh Remus," she sighed sadly fumbling for her wand. "Please tell me you're making progress, you can't go on this way. You're not a teenager anymore!"

Remus chuckled lightly allowing her to heal his smaller wounds and accepting the flask of water she'd brought along. "How's my cub?"

"Still won't speak to me, I think she blames me for your absence."

"Either that or she's jealous you get to see me." The man laughed at his daughter's continued annoyance at the goodnatured metamorphagus. "I'm sorry if she's rude Dora, I'm all she has you see. Caelen's leery of women in general, her mother you know, it's probably worse with me gone."

Tonks nodded sitting beside her friend, "I know it's ok Remus, I don't blame the poor girl. I'll get through to her eventually." She smiled when she took in his face waiting eagerly for news of his child. "Ok Sirius says second full moon went as well as the first they played around then she became sort of mopey and fell asleep against his side. He's not sure what he's doing wrong. The Weasleys have been there almost a month now, the twins are making it their mission to keep her distracted as much as possible. She spent an afternoon hanging around with Snape," here the woman made an annoyed face, "Sirius wasn't impressed and wound up arguing with him, Caelen refused to speak to him for the next day and a half."

Remus chuckled, "well the full moon thing, we generally talk once she tires out, It's a wolf thing because she's my cub we're linked you see. So the moping is just another manifestation of her missing her dad. Hopefully the twins aren't getting her into too much mischief. As for Sirius and Severus, Caelen's close to Snape he means a lot to her, I've found its best to get along."

The pair sank to the ground, Remus leaning slightly against the small, but capable, woman's shoulder. "Alright your turn spill." Tonks ordered as if they were school kids with secrets rather than members of a secret order fighting to protect wizard kind and the world at large from a madman.

"Ok I've made some progress with some of the older werewolves, they remember how it was when Voldemort was in power last time." He paused here spreading his hands apart as if to demonstrate how hopeless he felt to change his next statement. "The younger ones are proving a bit more difficult. As I told Albus they've been mistreated, Voldemort's promising a new world where they're on top, no more struggling for scraps and starving on the street. I'll admit if I didn't know better it would entice even me and that's what the problem is, not all the younger generation knows better."

"So we may have to fight werewolves in the end because we've mistreated them allowing them to starve and struggle for so long." Tonks sighed, "seems almost poetic somehow, Voldemort the ultimate evil, as far as most of us are concerned, looks better to them because we've treated them so poorly. I'm so sorry Remus."

Remus shook his head patting Dora's shoulder lightly, "no not your fault love. What I need, sadly, is for the death eaters to do something that shows how they truly feel about us 'halfbreeds'. If they could just see how they truly feel towards us I would think it would take away their doubts."

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Where stories live. Discover now