New School (Tris pov)

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I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ear. I accidentally throw it out the open window. " DID YOU JUST THROW YOUR ALARM OUT YOUR WINDOW AGAIN." My mom yells from the intercom in my bedroom because we're filthy rich. "NO!?" I shout/question.

My mom is a world famous fashion designer and singer. My dad is a world famous author and he also works high up in the government. My brother Caleb on the other hand is a big doosh head. No jk he's a music artist/actor. And I am the world famous Tris Prior. I'm an actress, singer, dancer, gymnast, and I write my own music.

I finally get out of bed and walk to my bathroom, undress and hop in the shower. I start to sing a song I'm working on. I still haven't thought of a name though. Maybe I should starting thinking of one. I get out of the shower, moisturize and walk to my closet to find an outfit for the first day of my sophomore year.

I finally find an outfit that isn't rinkled from boxes and put it on, do minimal makeup and blow-dry and straighten my hair. I grab my phone and laptop of their chargers and head downstairs. I go to the kitchen and grab an apple kiss both of my parents on the cheek flick my brother in the head and grab my backpack."Bye mom,dad, and idiot brother love you." I yell. "Love you too." My pants say. "Hey!" Caleb yells. I just chuckle and get in my red Ferrari. I plug my phone in and play Here one of my newest songs. (A.N. I own none of these songs)

I pull into the school parking lot.
Here I go I think to myself.

A.N. How was that. First chapter I'm soooooooooooooo excited to continue writing. Tris's outfit is at the top

*be brave

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