2. midnight mistakes

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Amanda was staring at her celling. She was waiting for him to pick her up. And he was 1 hour late. Not that she was waiting 1 hour, if he had arrived at time, she wouldn't be ready. However, waiting half an hour was still not so delightful. Besides that she had spent that time waiting cleaning the mess her house was, another non delightful activity. Now she was trying to relax in her bed as she hated when people made her wait. Patience wasn't one of her features. As Amanda was promising herself to give up waiting, she turned her head to look at her window and saw him arriving. Elijah's messy dark blue shirt could be identified from far, after all it was her gift. He looked left and right, checking if anyone was seeing - her parents let her underground for a week because of her little party - and started to walk to Amanda's window direction.

The girl rolled her body in the bed so she could see more comfortably her date coming. His hazel straight hair made his light blue eyes look even brighter at that night. He was wearing the dark blue shirt and black pants as usual. As he got closer Amanda could see his gorgeous freckles planted in his face. With his long fingers and a smirk she knew too well, Elijah knocked gently the girl's window. Amanda rolled her eyes to him and made a forced smile dance in her lips showing how stressed out she was. He made his sorry face, which, even that Amanda would never admit, was cute. She then got up from her bed and opened the window letting him in.

"Hey, beautiful" he said and his charming husky voice filled the room.

Amanda just gave him a glare and sat again in her bed. She was upset with him and wanted to let it clear, just to see how he would react. Elijah was maybe the only boy who would understand this acts and would enter the game. Not that she was pretending, she was really upset and wanted a sincere apology.

"Oh, so you won't talk to me?" He said, the cheerful words playing in his mouth. Amanda just nodded and looked right into his eyes. "Ok, ok. I will make you talk." Elijah smiled and the girl knew what was coming.

He jumped at her side and tickled the girl until her belly hurt. She fought against that kind of torture and tickled the boy back. Both were laughing together and Amanda's angriness faded away. They laid on her bed and breathed out heavily.

"Jeez, okay, you win, I'll talk to you." She said and grabbed the boy's hand to play with 'em. She draw some invisible circles in it and other types of geometric forms while looking in his eyes. The boy came closer slowly and kissed the girl's lips.

"Knew it would work!" He whispered and both laughed and kissed a little more. When they finished, the boy continued. "And I'm really sorry for getting late today."

"It's fine, seeing from the bright side, you are here at least." She said smiling and Elijah smiled back, grabbing her hands again.

"I will always be there, Ams." He said and kissed her hand at first, then her neck and finally her lips.

"I hope this is true, El"  the girl said while looking in his eyes. She kissed him a little more and locked her hands in his. Even if it sounded bit cliche, she did really think that their hands fit perfectly in each other.

"For sure it is." he paused " you and me will be forever" and both of them knew this wasn't true, but it was all about the moment.

Amanda half hugged her lover for seconds and got up right after. She gave him a hand to get up too and they left the house. Today they would go to the beach to have a luau, since the night was so starry and stunning.

"And then he said he loved me and asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend. I ran away." Amanda told Chloe by the phone.

"Why did you do that? I thought you liked him." She asked her friend.

" I do. I'm just not prepared for love, Chloe. I... I don't wanna end up heartbroken."

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