Going to the House

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James put Annie's bags in the buggy and told the driver to get ready. Annie still stood at the station in awe after what James had said. "Annie? Sorry about what I said, it was just a joke... he-he." James looked around wanting for a response from Annie. "Oh, it's fine James. We all say silly things in the heat of meeting new people. It's all alright." Annie gave a smile but inside her mind she was hoping he was really true about it. James leaned his arm out for Annie to take, something he was hoping she would do. Annie did take in arm, they both smiled and went on their way back to the buggy. James lifted up Annie to help, grabbing her waist he stopped. "God blessed you with an amazing body. My word, wait, I'm so sorry, that was so out of line... I'll just keep my mouth shut for the rest of the ride to the house.
Annie with shocked eyes bushes with heavy red cheeks. "It's alright James, just sit next to me and we can look at the world around us." Annie smiled and James smiled with her. He went up to the buggy and sat next to Annie. They both sat in the buggy, both afraid to say anything to the person next to them. Annie's face was as red as the blood in her body and James hand had me we been more sweaty in his life.
"James? Are you okay? Your hands, it's like you're about to faint." Annie reached her hand over to James hand and held it tightly. James couldn't take it any longer, with his other hand he grabbed Annie and kissed her with all the passion he had in him. James and Annie both knew this kiss would happen sooner or later so they made it last as long as possible. James finally released the kiss, they both stared at each other with passion in their eyes. "I think I messed up on that kiss, may I try it again?" Annie just nodded and with that nod James leaned in for another kiss. This kiss just as passionate as the other. Both in the high of love had gone deeper and deeper into the kiss.
But then, Annie stopped the heavily passionate kiss. Both looked at each other. "Annie, what's wrong?" James said concerned he had messed up everything. "James" Annie whispered as quietly as she could. "We are now at the Keller household."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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