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Why is it that you always act as if the fights we have can be as easily fixed as the holes in your jacket? Why is it that the fights where our lungs are begging us to breathe and our throat are telling us to stop screaming are waved off as nothing but 'disagreements' to you? Why is it that you never seem to be as passionate towards me when we are acting as if we are lovers who still feel the same emotion we did two years ago, but when we're screaming until our throats are raw and our cheeks are stained with tears, that's when the passion truly shows? Why is it that I never see you care about anything other than your own thoughts that you believe are white while everything else in this fucked up world is black? But, I think through all of this, there's just one question that can truly decide whether we should keep trying to save this relationship, or whether we should throw it away like it meant nothing to either of us.

Why is it that you believed that our relationship could be as easily fixed as a broken toy, but you believed that nothing could ever fix me?

Excerpts From An Inexistent StoryWhere stories live. Discover now