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Hardy har har, LOL.

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"So this is New York City..." With my luggage in hand, I stepped off the train.

There were skyscrapers and throngs of people all around. My first sight of the city was overwhelming. I thought that New Jersey was similarly an urban area, but it's nothing compared to New York.

When I thought of the future I was to face, I got a little nervous. But circumstances made me come here, and I can't turn back now. "First, I have to call Uncle Will..." I took out the note that my Mother gave me before I left.

Uncle Will is my Father's brother. According to Mom, he's the president of a large company here in New York. I had graduated from college but failed to find a job. Without any other connections or prospects, I came to New York hoping that Uncle could help.

The last time I'd seen him was at my older cousin's wedding, which was a good ten years ago. I might not even recognize him. He must be sophistacated because he is the president of one of those tech companies that is hot right now. Maybe he wears an expencive suit, looking professional.

As I imagined how my Uncle would look now, I took out my white iPhone 4s, then dialed the number that Dad gave me. "...Hello?" An unfamiliar voice rang.

"Oh, hello. It's Nina." I answered nervously.


"Nina, from New Jersey."

"Oh, Nina!" Uncle's voice brightened up. For the presidet of a company he's pretty friendly and easy to talk to. I eased up and relaxed a bit.

"I've just arrived at the station. Can I head over now?" I asked, starting towards the street.

"Oh, actually, can you pick up some things for me at the store."

"At the store?" I asked, overly confused.

"I'll text you the list right now, so you can stop by there on your way. Okay?"

"Sure..." I trailed off. I haven't even seen the man yet, and he's already asking for favors.


With that, he hung up. After a few seconds, I received a text. I looked over the list he sent, then furrowed my brows. "What are these?" I wondered aloud.

The list looked like cooking ingredients, but there were no other notes.

Without knowing what I was suposed to buy, I headed toward the supermarket. What a fancy market... It's nothing like the one back home, I wondered, walking into the supermarket.

I wonder where something-greek would be. I headed towards the produce section and wandered around, seeming like a little lost child. Suddenly, I bumped shoulders with a man I didn't know. "Oh, I'm sorry," I shot out quickly, looking over at him.

He stared at me, not saying a word, and I freaked out. He does not look happy! He didn't seem very friendly either, with a permanent frown on his face, but I decided to ask him for help. "Um," I started, looking into his beautiful light brown eyes. "do you know... where I can find something-greek?"

"Something greek?" He asked, clearly confused, his thick dark eyebrows furrowing.

"Um, fenugreek?" I asked, quickly correcting myself. I then proceeded to read the text that I got from my Uncle aloud.

The man gave me an exasperated look, then sighed. "That's a spice. You're in the wrong section." I tried to ignore the grumpy tone in his voice, my eyes widening slighty.

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