Chapter 1

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Your (e/c) eyes opened slowly, but surely.
You don't remember anything, all you know was that you were in an unfamiliar room, laying on a bed that was surprisingly too comfortable.

"Where the hell am--" You mutter to yourself, until a deep voice interrupts you.
"Up already?"

You quickly turn your head to the right, where the voice was coming from. You saw a boy with messy brown hair and red triangular marks on his cheeks, just smiling at you.

"Where am I?" You ask quietly.

"You're in my house right now." He responds casually.

"Sorry for asking but, uh, why am I here?"

He slightly chuckles. "I was walking my dog, and when I came back here I saw you laying on my doorstep. I don't know how you got there, and I tried waking you up, but you were still asleep. So I just took you inside and let you sleep on my bed."

You mentally groan.
(y/n)!! How could you be so stupid?!

"Oh, sorry." You say, with apple-red cheeks.

"It's fine." He replies "Do you want me to take you home?"

"No, it's okay, I'll walk myself." You answer. You didn't want to seem rude, but he probably already did a lot for you. You wouldn't want to bother him more by making him walk you home.

"No, I'm coming. You might collapse again, who knows?"


"Good." He smiles again as he stands up and puts on his jacket. "Come Akamaru!"

"Who's Akamaru?" You ask him

"My dog." He answers bluntly


He opens the bedroom door and waits for you to exit. When you do, he follows you.
"So where do you live?" He asks

"43 Fo-- Wait a minute." You stop walking and stay where you are.

"What?" He asks, confusion in his voice.

"How do I know you're not a stalker? I met you, like, 7 minutes ago and I still don't know your name. You could be a murderer. NO WONDER YOU KEEP SMILING!!" You say suspiciously

The boy stares at you with an "I'm done" face.
"If I was a murderer I'd kill you already. And I smile because I'm not a Sasuke."

"How do you know who Sasuke is? AND HOW DO YOU KNOW I KNOW HIM?!?!?" Everyone knew who Sasuke was. You just said this as a joke.

"Oh, shut up." He says. "My name is Kiba, by the way."

You laugh. "Let's go, then!"

He rolls his eyes and opens the door for you.

You step unto the white snow, and begin walking.

"Wait for me!" Kiba says as he shuts the door and runs up to you with his dog.

"Oopsies." You say as you continue walking.

"Oh yeah, you forgot to tell me your name." He points out.

"My name is (y/n)." You say as you wrap your scarf around your face.

"(y/n)? Well that's an interesting name.." He mumbles.

"My name is weird? What is a Kiba?! That sounds like bieba, did your mom have bieber fe-"

"What the-- I said your name is interesting, not weird! I think your name is nice."

You smile. "Is it too late now to say soorryy" you sing

Kiba sighs and facepalms, while you laugh at yourself for making such a good pun.

-- Time Skip --

You finally arrived at your house.

As you enter your house, Kiba follows you. It was sort of strange, but you didn't really care.

"Why is it so dark? Isn't anyone home?" He asks

"Actually, no. My parents went to Mexico for a 1 year vacation with my aunt." You explained.

"Mexico?" He asks.


"What about your brothers or sisters?"

"I don't have any."

"Wait, how old are you?"


A minute of silence passes between you and Kiba.

"I'll live here with you." He offers.

"What?!" You ask, surprised.

"For real. I'm 18, and you can't live alone because you're still a child. So I'll live here with you."

You thought about it.
What he said was true. You weren't allowed to live on your own, but you barely know him. But it seemed like you could trust him. Besides, he did take care of you while you were asleep and didn't kill you.


"Yaaaay." He said happily. "I'll run home and get stuff, just wait here with Akamaru."

"Wait, why can't you take your dog?"

"Because what if killers come in through the windows?"




I hope you enjoyed that chapter

was it good? was it bad? did it want to make you bleach your eyes? LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS

and pls share this to your friends, family, your pets, idc



- queensadilla


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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