My Facebook Stalker

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I'm writing this story with Chrisbr50. She's super funny and cool. You should check out her other book, 'WHO ARE WE!!!'

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“Tay-tay, why arw wuh weaving?” Six year old me sobbed into my hands, “Do wuh want to weave?” I asked looking up at him

“I don’t want to leave Ashy-pooh.” He cried hugging me, “I gwonna miss you!” He sniffed

“Don’t go. Pwease, Auntie Liza!” I asked looking up at Tay-tay’s mom

“I’m sorry, Ash. We have to.” Auntie Liza said

I nodded and hugged Tay-tay again before running into my house. Daddy picked me up and told me it was going to be okay.

“Do you want to say by?” Daddy asked

I shook my head, “I’ll crwy again.”

“Shhh, baby. Taylor will be sad if you don’t say bye.” He whispered

I started crying again, “O-okay! I’ll sway b-bywe.”

He nodded and started walking towards the door. I saw Tay-tay in the car.

“Bye, Tay-tay! I miss w-wu!” I cried waving at him

“Bye, Ashy-pooh! I miss you, too!” He waved as the car started going down the driveway

“I wuv you!” I yelled putting my head in my Daddy’s neck

“I love you, too, Ashy-pooh!” I heard him yell

“Is he gwone?” I asked my Daddy

“Yeah, baby. He’s gone.” He said hugging me harder

I cried more and my Dad tried to get me to stop but I couldn’t.

I just lost my best friend.

My Facebook StalkerWhere stories live. Discover now