Manchester, More like Man-Chest-Hair

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Before I headed into Ms.Dangleburg's so called english class, Andre and I had a little make-out session outside the door. He handed me my Trapeze purse and I headed into the classroom. I found Addison saving me a seat. I tried to make my way to the seat without touching any normies or I might be infected with HIV or some terrible disease like Ebola.

¨Well, since Miss. Meiwether has finally decided to join us, I wanted to introduce you all to our new foreign exchange student.¨ Ms.Dangleburg said clapping her hands together.

¨Foreign exchange student? Did they come from a broke, hungry family?¨ I said raising my perfectly manicured hands.

I watched as Ms.Dangleburg rolled her eyes and tried to ignore that comment. ¨Actually, She is from Australia which is a beautiful place. Welcome, Lydia Manchester!¨ Ms.Dangleburg and the rest of the class clapped as a girl walked up to the front of the class.

¨Holy Macaroni, Victoria she's wearing gucci!¨ Addison whispered, I wanted to turn to her and say no shit moron, but I was to distracted by Lydia's coco chanel purse in her arms. It looked like this girl went on a shopping spree in my closet.

¨I'm Lydia Manchester, I'm 16 and I am from Australia¨ She said with a smile and played with a little curl in her hair. To be honest, she was really pretty and it seems like she has money, judging from her handbag. I could easily make her one of besties, so you know what? I'm going to talk to her.

I waited until Ms.Dangleburg allowed us to do partner work so I could speak to her. Addison and I got up from our desks and headed over to talk to Lydia.

¨Hi, Lydia I'm Victoria Mei-¨

¨Nice to meet you, oh doesn't your family own like everything here?¨

¨Looks like you did your homework before you came here.¨ I said observing her outfit, makeup, nails, and pencils? She had designer pencils! Ok, what the actual hell? Who buys designer pencils!

¨Your outfit is gorgeous, but let's be serious it's not better than mine.¨ I continued, I might've been a little jealous of those pencils. She began twirling her curl with her also perfect manicure.

¨Puh-Lease, Like that fake trapeze handbag has it going on.¨ She said with her accent, I glared at her with a nasty look. I just complimented this Kangaroo-Loving idiot and she had the audacity to disrespect me? My Trapeze purse is genuine, one of a kind. No one had one like mine because my daddy had mine custom made.

¨Excuse me? My Trapeze is real!¨ My voice rose to an outdoor voice and I could feel myself getting upset, but I was soon interrupted by a sharp tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a not so happy 80's looking teacher.

¨Victoria, please take your seat or I will inform your-¨ RING, RING, RING. The bell ranged, thank god! I didn't want to have to get Ms.Dangleburg fired. I continued to glare at Lydia, and she must've got annoyed so she got up and flipped her hair in my face then sashayed out of the classroom. You have no idea how much I wanted to cut her hair off so she couldn't flip it again. I'd be doing her a favor because I've seen cat hair balls that looked better than the so called curls she had.

Addison and I walked to meet the rest of my besties. I saw them standing at our hangout, in front of the lockers by the big circular mirror I had my daddy put in the school. That mirror is also know as the ¨selfie¨ mirror because that's where everyone take selfies at.

¨Tori, you pull that outfit off better than anyone could.¨ Skylar said, I smiled and examined her own cute little outfit, and her Michael Kors purse was to die for.

¨Hey Tori!¨Shane called, I looked over to Shane who was wearing a light blue cashmere sweater with a pink collar shirt under it. I loved when my besties had decent outfits. It makes me feel proud of my establishment.

"Your outfits are so adorable, we need a selfie!" We all gathered up and Shane brought out his pink selfie stick. "Okay ready? 1...2..."

"Excuse me, but I think your all standing in front of my locker." A familiar soft accent spoke. I rolled my eyes and turned to see what Normie was interrupting our selfie, It was Lydia.

"Um...Excuse me but you can wait, Like what are you going to put in there your purse? That's like all you have." I said, Lydia smacked her teeth and crossed her arms impatiently waiting, She must've got extremely annoyed because she tapped Shane on his shoulder. He turned around to see the gorgeous girl standing there waiting.

"Excuse me, I need to get to my locker." Lydia sweetly said.

Shane went into some weird shock or something because he was just staring at her for a long time. And it wasn't like the way you stare at someone when they have something on their face and your trying to figure it out...It was like the way you look when your in love!

I cleared my throat to get Shane's attention but he kept staring at her in awe.

¨Hello! Shane, Your gay remember?¨ I sharply snapped, he shook his head and realized he was staring at her for far too long than he expected and hurried off to class with no words.

¨That was so weird...¨Addison said scratching her head. I mugged Lydia one last time before I walked off, with Skylar and Addison following close behind. I swear if Shane comes up to me and says he is bisexual now I will kill him, because that would mean that he liked Lydia. And I DON'T like her.


Later that day came lunch, and boy was I hungry. I could not wait to see what my 5-star personal chef cooked for my lunch today. I walked into the cafeteria and skimmed through the room, looking to see if any of my besties were in the room yet, but no they weren't.

But I did see Lydia, with her weird Australian food. She also was surrounded by a ton of people asking her dumb questions like, Why did you move here? Or can I try some of your Australian food? Pathetic that these normies was asking this Spider-Infested freak about Australia? I looked closer to the crowd and noticed a girl beginning to place a weird dumpling into her mouth. IT WAS SKYLAR!

I rushed over there as fast as I could, and slapped it right out of her hand.

¨WHAT ARE YOU DOING?¨ I yelled, my voice was now booming over the cafeteria and every student and staff in there was staring at me with a 'This bitch is crazy' look. I glanced over at Lydia who had a little smirk on her face and continued to smack on her gross dumplings.

¨It's ok Tori, these are Australian Dampers, really delicious¨ Skylar said, reaching for another one from Lydia's tray. I wanted to slap her so hard right then and there, because she was acting so stupid.

¨Don't eat those if you don't want food poisoning, she probably used the bug spray they use to kill their extremely large spiders they have down there.¨ I said, bringing my voice back down to a indoor voice. Lydia burst out laughing, making me look almost dumb.

¨Why would I put poisoning into my own lunch? Did you take your meds?¨ She laughed.

I began to hear people whispering and snickering, Asking each other if I really took medication. This was not supposed to happen! I'm supposed to be the one laughing not the one being laughed at! I'm supposed to be the one in the center of attention, NOT the outcast! I could feel my face getting warm and my hands were now clenched into fists. Then next thing I knew I yelled....

¨EVERY ONE SHUT THE HELL UP!¨ I took Lydia's tray and threw it on the ground. Skylar and the others stared at me and the stupid lunch monitor sent me to the office to speak to the Principle...

My Dad.

Authors note:

Hope you all enjoyed this part, I know that Tori over exaggerated, but that is her character. The spoiled, rich, brat who gets everything she wants. She is not used to people out shining her. Also see you all on the next part!
Also just to clear things up, I love Australia and wish to go there, one of my favorite youtubers has the cutest Australian accent and I absolutely adore her. This story is not to talk bad on Australia or Australians! :)

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