Chapter 3

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                  When I woke up, all I saw was Kendrick and my parents looking at me. My parents were by the door about 5 feet away and Kendrick was right next to me and he had a look on his face as if he didn't know what I was going to do which he usually does know. He said that I fainted and that he had carried me to my room. I just wanted to kiss him. He snickered like he was laughing at me for some reason. Had I said it aloud? No,because my parents were not laughing. He said " Well,Angel can I talk to you." He looked at my parents."Alone." I think they got the hint so they excused themselves and left.
                      I turned to Kendrick and said "Okay,what is going on? How do you know my parents and why did they call you prince Kendrick?" He looked at me for what seemed like forever and told me to sit down. I followed his order."I know you are confused and you suit it but, I will answer your questions ... eventually." I gave him a very mean look and said " No, I want you to answer my questions now!"
                   He looked at me and sighed. I know he felt defeated. " Fine ,my princess ." I love how he said princess like it was a nickname. "For your first question,you are the vampire princess and for safety we brought you to a safe place. Your second answer is that I am a vampire prince and you and me are soul mates and born to marry each other. For your last question ,I already answered ." All I could do was stare like a idiot.
                  He is my soul mate?!?!? How could this happen first he is my friend and now I'm suppose to marry him? What the f***! I just want to text my friends back home and tell them but how am I gonna explain that I am a vampire princess and I was born to marry Kendrick?!
                                   That night I went to the kitchen to get a snack and everyone else was awake and staring at me when I entered the kitchen." Whats going on." I asked my parents and " future husband " . I'm never going to get used to that. Kendrick walked over to me ,bent down and kissed me passionately like he was never going to kiss me again.
                I thought I was going to die of        happiness and shock! My dad did a fake cough to signal Kendrick to stop kissing me.Kendrick looked at my father and growled at him! I couldn't believe it. Was I dreaming?
                      Then,my mouth started to have a sharp pain in it. It felt like I was stabbed in my mouth. Kendrick and my parents looked at me and noticed that I was in pain because they were right next to me grabbing my arms . Kendrick said " it's happening, I just don't know why so early?" I had no idea what he was talking about. "What's going on Kendrick?"I asked in pain. He looked at me  like I was dying,which I feel like I was .

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