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dear diary,

its been a week and silver not-korean boy has come in everyday since then.

i like the way he grins as soon as he steps into the florist. i like the way his voice sounds uncertain yet cute when he asks for a rose each day. i like the way his eyes widen when he takes the rose from me. and the slight smile on his face when he looks at the rose.

he's makes me smile but we have yet to have a proper conversation.

today, i tried to start the conversation with a witty joke in which i stated that he should live here since he comes by so often. my attempt at making conversation failed because he didn't understand me.

he just mumbled an "i don't know" in his adorable accent and smiled apologetically at me.

and who could resist that smile?

there's always tomorrow anyway.


a/n; i love minghao's voice damn pls talk more

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