My Wedding Day

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"Okay I gotta go now, I'm not allowed to see you until we're at the ceremony" Jai said kissing me. "Okay, but I had fun" he smirked and got out of bed to put his clothes back on. He came over and gave me one last kiss before leaving. The three girls were coming over and we are gonna have a girls night out before my wedding tomorrow.

I heard the door bell and rushed downstairs, and opened the door to find my 3 best friends standing in front of me. "Hey" I squealed and gave them all a hug. "Oh my god Ari, we're gonna have the best time tonight" Cara said. "I know I'm excited, let's get ready.

A few hours later, we were all dressed and ready for the night. I was wearing a short black dress with black heels. I had my hair Half up, half down like I usually do and my makeup was natural brown. Alexis was wearing a white puffy dress with white heels, Cara was wearing a long black, tight dress with black heels and Isabelle was wearing a long pink dress with nude heels. "Okay you girls ready" Alexis asked. "Yeah, let's go" we got picked up by a limo and went to a huge club. There were so many guys whistling at us and I felt uncomfortable. "Where do you wanna sit" Cara asked. "Anywhere" we all answered, then walked to a table near the back. We were sitting down for about 5 minutes when the girls decided to get a drink, I stayed at the table and a guy came over and sat next to me putting his arm around me. I saw a flashing light but I didn't know if it was a photo or the lights from the stage. "Um who are you" I asked. "I'm Jake, and your really hot, wanna make out" he smirked. "Umm no thanks, I happen to be getting married tomorrow" I snapped. "So, he will never find out" he said and before I could reply he kissed me. I screwed up my face and pushed him off me. "Ooh Ariana is cheating on Jai" someone screamed. "I'm not cheating on Jai, this random guy just kissed me that's all" I yelled. I ran up to the girls and started pulling my hair. "This is too much guys I need some air" I said heading to the front, the girls followed me out. "I miss Jai" I cried. "Aww sweetie it's okay, you'll see him tomorrow" Isabelle cuddled me. "It's too long" I wiped my tears. "Come on, just try and enjoy the rest of your night" Alexis pulled me into a hug then took me inside. "Come on let's get you a drink" Cara said ordering me a champagne. "Thanks Cara" I said and took the drink. "Now,
I need to find a guy" Isabelle saad making us laugh. "Good luck" I said and she ran to the dance floor and already found herself a dance partner. "I hope tomorrow goes well" I said to Alexis and Cara.

The next morning

"Oh my god mum I'm getting married today" I said running up and hugging her tight. "I know baby girl in so happy for you" she started tearing up. "Come on let's wake the girls up and get dressed." The girls slept at mine last night and I was so excited to finally get married to the man of my dreams.

My hair and my makeup was all done. I was wearing my gorgeous white dress and my hair was in a nice braid. My heels were white but no one could see them anyway. The girls were wearing their bridesmaids dresses which were hot pink and they almost touched the ground. (Picture up the top) "okay girls the limo is out the front waiting" my mum said. "Okay let's go" I answered and we all walked out and hit into the white stretch limo. "So Alexis when are to having your wedding" Isabelle asked. "Well I was gonna have it last month but we decided to wait a little longer" she replied. "Ok okay, can't wait for it" Cara answered. "I know me either" Alexis squealed.

We got out of the limo at the church and it was so pretty. We all lined up in our order and waited for our turn. First Cara went out holding her bunch of flowers. Then Isabelle went out with her flowers, then Alexis wit hers and then it was my turn. Frankie was walking me down the isle and he linked our arms and we started walking. My stomach started getting butterflies. I looked at all my family and smiled looking at each person. As I reached the front, Frankie kissed my cheek and handed me to Jai. We stared at each other and smiled the whole time. "Family and friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Ariana Grande Butera and Jaidon, Domonic Matthew Brooks. (Blah blah blah) Jai, do you take Ariana to be your lawfully wedded wife" Jai smiled. "I do" "And do you Ariana take Jai to be your lawfully wedded husband" Jai looked really nervous. "I do" he then let out a sigh of relief and smiled. "Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your beautiful bride. He pulled me close to him and kissed the life out of me. Everyone cheered and came up to hug us.

After we thanked everyone and said goodbye. We left and went straight home to do you know what. It started with rough kissing which I loved, then he left hickeys all over my body. This was getting intense. Then we took all or clothes off and yeah I won't go into detail.

We laid next to each other trying to catch our breath. "That was incredible" Jai said. "Absolutely" I replied. We cuddled up together and then feel into a deep sleep.

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