Chapter one

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I was sitting on the edge of my bed, fixing my lacrosse stick for tomorrow's practice, hoping to make first line. My friend Stiles and I were always on the bench.
As I finished fixing my stick, I threw it on my bed, walked over to the the doorway leading to my bathroom, and started doing some chin-ups. After about 50 chin-ups, I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth.
Walking out of my bathroom, all of a sudden a noise came from the roof. I put on a shirt and jacket, grabbed a bat ( which no one uses ) and walked outside to the decking, arms and bat raised.
I creeped around the decking, when suddenly, Stiles hangs upside down from the edge of the roof, scaring the crap out of me.
"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?" I yelled
"You weren't answering your phone!!" He replied " And why do you have a bat?" He asked with a confused expression
"I thought you were a predator" I answered
"A pre-? Anyways, I know it's late, but my dad left about twenty minutes ago, dispatch call. They're bringing every officer in Beacon Hills police department, even state police!"
"For what?" I asked
"Two joggers found a body!" Stiles replied. I could see the excitement in his eyes.
"You mean like a dead body?" I asked nervously
"No Scott, a body of water- of course a dead body!" He said sarcastically
"You mean a murder?" I asked
"No one knows yet, only that it's a girl in her mid twenties" Stiles answered
"Wait.. If they've found the body, what are they looking for?" I asked sounding confused
"That's the best part. They only found...half! We're going!" Stiles said as he dragged me to his crappy jeep. We got in and we drove to the forest

Teen Wolf- A turn of eventsWhere stories live. Discover now