Chapter two

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"I still can't believe we're doing this" I said
"You're the one who always bitches about how nothing happens in this town" Stiles said as we got out of his jeep, flashlights in hand.
"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow" I said as we walked.
"Yeah" he began "cause sitting on the bench uses so much gruelling effort" Stiles said, the sarcasm in his voice was very clear.
"No, because I'm playing this year, and in fact, I'm making first line!" I said, confidence rising.
"Hey, that's the spirit! Everyone should have a dream, even an unrealistic one" Stiles said.
I knew this was a bad idea, I mean, what would happen if we got caught?
Suddenly, a thought came to mind.
"Stiles, what part of the body are we actually looking for?" I asked
"Uh, didn't really think about that." He replied
Another thought came to mind
"And what if the killer of the girl is still out here?" I asked
"Didn't really think about that either" was all he said.
As we laid on top of a hill when we'd seen an officer, I took a puff of my inhaler.
Just as Stiles was about to run to the officer, our ankles were suddenly grabbed by a rough hand with claw-like fingernails.
I was just about to scream when my mouth was covered by the hand. The hand lifted my shirt and jumper, stood there for a few moments, and bit the side of my stomach. I screamed in pain, but the sound was cut off by the hand. I was dropped to ground, and the thing moved towards the pinned down Stiles. Before I could save stiles, the thing took a bite on stiles' right forearm. He also screamed in pain, but was also cut off by the hand. The thing turned to me, it's red glowing eyes staring into my soul. Before I could react, or think for that matter, it pounced into the darkness. I grabbed stiles by the armpit and half dragged, half carried stiles through the forest, basically running for our lives.
We came up to the road, when a car swerved, just missing us.
"What the hell was that?" Stiles asked
"I don't know" I replied
I lifted up my shirt, seeing a bite mark, blood slowly oozing out of the wound. As I was doing this, Stiles was examining his right forearm. We both gave this look of confusion, and looked up to the sky, the moon was five days away from a full moon. A sudden howl echoed through the night, causing a shiver down my spine.

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