Chapter 6

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Callen said nothing the whole ride to the boatshed. Not even daring to glance in the mirror as Bill sat in the backseat.

"Out!" Sam snapped as they arrived and took Bill through to the interrogation room.

Kensi and Deeks looked up as the man was brought in and Bill pulled up short as he saw the older woman sitting at the main table drinking a cup of tea.

"You helping them bitch." Bill snarled.

Sheila flinched as Sam pushed Bill past her and off to the interrogation room.

"I'm sorry." Kensi said as she moved to shield the woman's view.

Sheila shook her head, "I can't believe I loved him once, he betrayed me in the worst way a man could ever."

Callen stood inside the door, just looking at her. He hadn't said a word and although she had glanced at him, she hadn't recognised him. For that he was grateful.

Kensi opened her mouth to call him and he cut her off.

"Put Mrs. Wilson, in interrogation room two." He said coldly.

"But..." Kensi started.

They had been told she was a victim not a suspect.

"Hetty is on her way to talk to..." Deeks said.

"I said put her in room two." Callen's voice was hard and cold.

Kensi looked confused, but she looked to the older woman, "Would you mind?" she asked politely.

The woman had been nothing but accommodating ever since she had heard the news that her ex-husband was seeing her son and grandsons. She didn't understand the stance that Callen was taking, but he was her team leader and she would follow his lead.

"Of course dear," Sheila said and Callen snorted in derision as she stood up.

"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" She asked.

Callen shook his head and walked into interrogation room two and waited as she sat down.

"I am sorry Agent...?"

"You should be." Callen snapped. "You knew what your husband was like, why did you never warn your son, or his wife when they had children?"

"I never knew." Sheila said embarrassed.

"LIAR." Callen thumped the table and made her jump.

Sheila looked up at the man. "Agent...I'm sorry they didn't tell me your name, You don't know me. I am a god-fearing woman, I do not lie."

Again Callen snorted. "Yeah right."

"You knew that Bill Wilson was a pedophile, you knew what he had done to boys in your care, it's the reason you left him. The reason you left a destroyed child and did nothing to help him. You walked out, called child services and left the child to believe that the actions perpetrated on him, was all his fault."

"That's not true, I left Bill because he was having an affair."

"DON'T LIE!" Callen yelled thumping the table again, "You knew, you put your grandsons in danger, you are as much at fault as Wilson is."

"No..." The old woman sobbed, "It's not true."

"Look me in the eye, tell ME that you didn't know what Bill did to boy's in your care. Tell ME that you didn't leave because you caught him in bed with a ten year old in your care."

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