So, guys!! Shoutout to Zeus_daughter_ for this question! It was:-
What's your favourite hero?
Well, superhero wise it is Hawkeye. IDK Why, he's just that cool. I also luv Capt. America and Hulk. Oh, and Stark. I mean, what's Marvel without Iron Man?! I think I just named every hero! 😳😁😝
Fictional wise, it's PerCy JacKson, cause he's The Almighty God of Sass and he's all that.
And in real life it's Nelson Mandela. Because.....he rules. And Mahatma Gandhiji, the Father of my Nation.
And Malala Yousafzai. I salute these people.And there you hav it folks!!!!! The whole dam thing! Yay. This random thingie is dedicated to AGirlWhoLikesWriting because she follows back pretty quick.

RandomMy book of randomness, fangirling and tags. Yay!! I take questions about my life. Yes I do. See ya later creeper peepers!