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It has been the third day they both had not spoken nor meet up. Kwang Soo tried his luck to called and texted her most of the time, hoping she would reply him somehow.

Still she wouldn't bother to check with the content. The phone kept buzzing that she thrown it on the bed, furious. Even when Kwang Soo tried of reaching for Gi Tae who was Ji Hyo's manager, the call wouldn't be bothered.

Eun Seo was in charge of taking care of Ji Hyo every night since she was injured. She had been examining on Ji Hyo's action for hours since she stepped into the house. Feeling curious, she took the phone and checked the caller's name list. Kwang Soo's name was listed in the history miss calls.

Now Eun Seo sensed that there was a slight misunderstanding in them both. "Unnie... Wae? Did you both fought?"

"Don't ask. I just don't want to answer his call." She sat angrily on the bed, crossed her arms and pressed them against her chest. She grunted in pain. Her wound was still in recovering process.

"Yah- unnie.. Control your anger please. Your injury could have been much serious if you kept on trowing tantrum."

"Okay..." Ji Hyo taken a deep breath and spoke again. "I'm already calm right now. So answer my question okay, Eun Seo-ah. What's your relationship with you and Kwang Soo??"

"Us?? Just Friends.." She replied shortly. Though Eun Seo still had feelings towards him, she knew that he was already taken.

Eun Seo never had the intention to be the third party in their relationship. After all, she was the one who wanted to end their relationship before studying overseas.

Ji Hyo frowned with the answer mentioned form Eun Seo. "Nothing else??"

"Nothing for real. Just friends." There was a short paused, till Eun Seo thrown a question this time. "But unnie.. Why did you ask that kind of question??"

"Curious... Since you never tell me why you never like him."

"Let's just say.. Forget the past and proceed to the present." Eun Seo advised her. Still Ji Hyo was suspicious of them both. She decided to slip it off from her mind and lay on the bed to get some rest.


Jong Kook came over to Kwang Soo's house when he received an emergency call. While listening to his problem, Jong Kook was sipping a mouth of orange juice. At a point, he spattered out the liquid on Kwang Soo, choked hardly. "Murago?!!!!"

"Aish hyung!!! You're so disgusting!!!!" Kwang Soo stood from his seat and headed to the kitchen to clean up the orange stain from his face. When Kwang Soo sat back on his seat, Jong Kook asked again.

"Eun Seo is your ex-girlfriend???! For real???"

Kwang Soo nodded heavily. Though he wasn't sure why Ji Hyo was ignoring him entirely, he wasn't daring to ask. "What a small world.." Jong Kook added.

"What should I do then, hyung?" Kwang Soo asked for a suggestion since his mind was completely blank to figure out an idea.

"What you mean by that? Tell everything to Ji Hyo of course!!!"

"She..." Kwang Soo let out another sigh as his head was shook heavily.

"Jealous. Of course.. I mean-." Jong Kook added. "That's what ladies do all the time. But you need to step forward and expressed it out. What if one day, she found it by herself? She would want you to tell her personally."

"Call her??" Kwang Soo asked in hesitation. He knew that she would never answer his call no matter how long he did that.

"NO PABO-AH!!!! Her house!! Now!!!!" Jong Kook instructed him harshly. He took their jacket and dragged the tall lanky man out from the house.

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