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I had no word for what Megan said

Shay:" Megan.. No we can't... We have kids now... We can't go to jail because we wanted to protect them from someone!!"

Imani:" She's right Meg, and we're not 16 no more... We got to grow up from this... Just go home and talk to your kids!! I'll call y'all later..."

Megan:" Fine..." They all went home trying to talk to their kids without telling our husbands

Shay POV~

Me:" Kids come here please...." I said down the hall trying to stay calm

Caleb:" What mom..." Caleb looked at me funny and I didn't like it

Me:" Caleb fix your face I'm still your mom..."

Caleb:" Are you? Cause you lied to me and Miya our wholes lives about our cousins... Or friends.." Miya came in the living room

Me:" That's not what happened... We told you guys y'all were cousin because. Me and Meg and Imani are best friends. We wanted you guys to grow up with each other as a family. To be honest we are a family.."

Miya:" Mom.. Who is Isaiah?" I froze

Me:" What?"

Frank came in the living room to and I really froze

Caleb:" We know who Chad is.. But who is Isaiah was he your boyfriend in highschool ???"

Frank:" Yeh.. He was some what her old boyfriend.."

Me:" Old..."

Frank:" And how do they know about... Chad?"

Miya:" Ummmm..." Her and Caleb ran up the stairs

Frank:" Babe..."

Me:" God... They met chad.."

Frank:" WHAT!?!?"

ME:" Babe only because -"

Frank:" I really don't wanna hear it.."

Megan POV~

Brooklyn:" I just still can't believe you mom.. But I understand.."

Me:" I'm sorry you met chad.. You weren't suppose to.."

Tyler:" Who is that?"

I stopped

Me:" Mmmm.. It's a long story.."

Tyler:" Brooklyn.. What is your mom talking about."

Brooklyn:" Dad it really is a long story ..." Tyler gazed at her

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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