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Chapter one- It the clown

Christina Rose was walking down the stairs happily, when she saw a vision of a clown staring at her. She rubbed her eyes, and within seconds, it had gone. Her Mum opened the door, and hugged her daughter "happy birthday sweety!" she said dramaticly. "Thanks Mum but it's no big-" "SUPRISE" Christina's friends screamed as she opened the door. Christina was speachless. She didn't no if it was real, or a dream. Her baby blue eyes saw something that looked like a clown. Suddenly, she screamed and ran out of the room into her spacious, luxorious bedroom. She started thumping her One Direction pillow in rage....

Her Mum came running up five minuites later and asked Christina what the matter was. Christina explained everything and her Mum completely understood. "I understand that you saw a vision hunny but let that go, it is your birthday. You have a lot of presents and they are big too, come down and appolodise, so we can get the party started" Replied her Mum in an understanding way. Christina did as she was told and she ignored the clowns wicked smile. She didn't even watch his circus tricks, no matter how much she wanted to. Amelia, Christinas best friend, noticed that something was wrong with Christina, so she walked up to her and asked her about it. Christina told Amelia everything, and that put Amelia off the clown to.

The girls went into the kitchen to grab a drink, and the clown followed them. He took five juice bottles and left, never turning back. They both shivered and went up stairs, and again the clown followed them. They got really scared, so they decided to go back downstairs to stand with their parents. Obviously their parents didn't believe the girls story, and that really upset them both.

Christina tried to forget about the clown and she started to open her presents, starting with Amelia's. "OMG OMG OMG! IT IS A CASHMERE JUMPER YOU ARE THE BEST FRIEND EVER!!" Screamed Christina. Amelia nodded her head in approvel. "Open mine next." The clown said in a deep deep voice. Christina opened it and she found a snow globe inside. She loved it at first, but when she looked closer, she saw that I'LL GET YOU was engraved at the bottom of this. Christina got frightened, so she put it far out of her reach. She carried on opening all her 23 presents, and then she played with a few toys.

Two hours later, the party finished and everyone went, apart from Amelia, who was sleeping for the night. They were both relieved when the clown had gone, but he hadn't gone completely. They were both very intellegent, and they read every single night. They was currently reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, their favorite. They both read until they fell asleep.

Chapter two – The history comes alive

The next morning, Christina woke up with her phone ringtone. She answered it, and it was her Mum. She was in town. Christina loved it when she was home alone, because she could do anything she wanted, only she didn't take it for granted. Christina started cleaning up, and Amelia washed the dishes. They had so much fun together, but when they came out of the kitchen, they both saw a clown pick up an knife. They got extreamly scared, and they walked out of the front door with  trepredation.

They both went to the corner shop to buy some snacks, and behind the counter was another cown, but this time, it was a female. Christina assumed that the female was out to kill the male one, as she was walking towards the girls with a samarai sword. The girls ran as fast as they could, and then they bumped into their parents. They both had no clue what was going on, but about five minuites later, they heard an axe hit something, they looked to their right, and there before them was Anne Bolyn's execution. On their left, the Second World War was taking place. Christina, Amelia, their parents and the two clowns were completley safe, and nothing could hit them. It was just amazing for them to see the history come alive, but on the other hand, it was quite upsetting, all the soldiers dieing in the war, King Henry VIII beheading his wives, and the rest of the history was unbelievable!

Chapter 3- Out to kill

The clowns didn't care about the history, they just wanted to kill everyone. “STOP IT EVERYBODY! THE HISTORY IS IMPORTANT, WATCH IT WHILST YOU CAN. IF WE CAN STOP THIS, HISTORY WILL CHANGE AND WE WILL BE REMEMBERED, NOT FOR KILLING EACH OTHER, FOR STOPPING HISTORY BEING REMEMBERED FOR A BAD THING” shouted Christina angrily. She couldn't take no more. Everything was about killing each other. The clowns stopped for a moment, shugged their boney shoulders, and carried on.

Chapter 4 – The miracle

Christina had no other idea, but to snatch the swords off them and murder them both, she didn't think, and in seconds, the clowns fell to the ground. Christina fell on to her hands and knees and begged for forgivness. A few minuites later, a bright flash met Christinas eyes. It was a car! She knew her life was going to end soon, so she stayed in the middle of the road.

All of a sudden, someone grabbed Christina and picked her up in the car. “What are you doing in the middle of the road sweety? It's your birthday tomorrow” Said her mum in a sweet voice. “YAY BUT NO PARTY, OR CLOWNS!” Answered Christina. “Okay okay, whatever you say” replied Christinas Mum worridly.

Chapter 5 – The new tomorrow

They arrived home and Christina ran straight to her room and started planning her “new tomorrow”. Christina walked back downstairs and started to eat her dinner.

After her dinner, she started to style her hair, and she saw a clown in the mirror. She blinked, and it had gone “Dreams Dreams Dreams” She whispered. Everything was back to normal and she enjoyed a wonderful party.

By Kelly

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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