Five Unusual Friends-not writing anymore-

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PLEASE COMMENT,VOTE, AND FAN!!! if you dont like it tell me. It will be a long chapter book, so it will take a while to finish. The idea of the story is based off a graphic novel I am writing. It is about these five friends, they dont come in until later on, this is them :


Daisy- elf-14 y

Luna- wolf-16 y

Luliana- mermaid-15 y

Charlie-bird-17 y

Kitty-cat-15 y

There is this man called Delgado Jean. He is working on creating hybrid animas and humans by mixing formulas and DNA's with the experiment subjects. They are normally taken to be experimented on by force, or poor parents that are pregnant will be paid so they can experiment on the child still in the womb. But Delgado does not want to waste money, so he kills the parents. Not all the subjects turn out right, some a failures that normally die off or are killed. These five friends will escape somehow and try to start a normall life, but will constantly have to get away from Delgado and his team. The book will explain more.

(the actual book starts below.)


A brand new car pulled up in the dusty drive way of a rundown home. Inside, the car smelt of new leather, which held a very important man. His boots crunched down on the dirt dusted gravel path that led up to the house. It was made out of scrap metal, and wood roughly put together. A heavily pregnant lady sat inside on a sofa in front of a blazing fire. She cradled her stomach in her arms stroking it lovingly. She was very poor, and wore a sheet of cloth to cover herself. A man was in the kitchen preparing what little food they had. Cabbage soup with mouldy bread. The man at their front door was named, Delgado Jean. He worked for an experimental science group that tested their experiments on different living things. He knocked on the front door readjusting his tie. The man stopped cooking and the woman turned her back to the glow of the fire to look at the door.

“Who is there?!” the man in the kitchen shouted out. The lady and he were husband and wife. They went by the name of Analee and Mitch. Although they were very poor and could hardly afford to feed themselves, they had a baby on the way. Analee crunched her back and groaned as she stood up.

“No, you stay there, I will go see who it is.” Mitch offered. He put down the cooking utensils and walked across the cold, creaking, wooden floorboards towards the door.

“Who is it?” Mitch asked standing at the door.

“ Delgado Jean.” A rough husky voice replied. “I believe one of my lieutenants discussed your baby’s…future on the phone? Well, I am here to confirm the deal.” Analee and Mitch shared an anxious look.

The door creaked open and Delgado stepped inside brushing the dust regally off his suit. He opened a suit case and took out a few files revealing many bundles of $100 notes. He dropped the case onto the floor in front of them. Mitch and Analee grovelled at the money like hungry dogs. But soon, reality looked upon them. Mitch walked over to Analee and helped her stand. Together they approached Delgado. A few words slipped out of his mouth as he held out the forms, and a pen.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked. The couple looked at each other in silence.

Analee stepped towards him.

“Y-yes…” she spoke. As her hand connected with the pen, she knew there was no turning back. Delgado ushered the two out of the house and into his car. As soon as it begun, it was over in an instant. Those few words changed their lives…forever. He grimaced when he saw how disgusting the seats had gotten as soon as they got in. Together, they drove to his building, silent the whole way.

Five Unusual Friends-CHAPTER 1~ Are You Ready For This?Where stories live. Discover now