Chapter 1

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"Where am I?" I mumbled, feeling sick from the stench. I felt felt like I was on a pile of gold and jewel. Wait. I was, wasn't I?

Then I remembered, walking through a meadow, then being picked up by a dragon. A DRAGON! All the sudden I felt a sudden urge hide underneath all the gold coins and gem filled jewelry.

"Finally my lady has woken up." A loud, booming voice said, filling the giant cavern.

I hid behind a pile and said," What do you want from me, you green monster?!!! Oops, sorry." I squeaked.

"Hahahahahaha" he said with a booming laugh. "I like you, little one."

"I'm not little!" I screamed at him.

"Ohohohoho, naughty little maid, talking back to me, Scrooby, cousin of Smaug."

"Why did you take me here??" I asked after I calmed down.

"To entertain me, of course... Did you think I would really eat you, Wait. I take that back, I might acually decide to eat you."

"Entertain you? Why me?"

"Because you can you can speak to animals... Plus being sassy that good stuff." He winked at me like we were best of pals.

"Well you, Ugh, I never!!!"I said glaring angrily.

"Now my little one, let us, I mean me, set some rules, A. Always obey me, B. don't talk back, C. Don't try running away, D. No leaving the cave without me as an 'escort'."he smiled a toothy grin

I walked out with a snort the realized something

"What will I eat??" I asked

"You will eat I what I give you." He said mumbling something like humans always are thinking about food, before lying down.

I sat down by a small gap in the caves and looked at a small mossy valley. Valley, hmmm, I felt like it was a familiar word, but couldn't quite place it. I knew how I got here, but not were I came from.

My eyes wandered across the valley, hoping to see someone or something that could help me, nothing.

I had only one choice, climb through the hole. I pulled at the rocks around it, widening the hole a little, then after picking up a beautiful horse encrusted tiara, emerald and diamond necklace with matching ring, I jumped, and flew....

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