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Message: Once again. This fanfic is not mine, I'm only getting this fanfic on here for people that don't have access to fim or only has wattpad for their fanfiction needs. So please support the official release. Also all rights go to Hasbro and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

A bat flit across the face of a monstrous harvest moon, its leathery wings sweeping through the chill autumn mist, leaving swirls and spirals in its wake. The creature of the night flew back and forth, eating the last bugs of the season. Fat as it was, the bat would need every scrap of weight it could put on before the harsh winter months. Already a few of its fellows had secluded themselves in caves and hollow trees, snug and plump, lost in the half sleep that would last until spring. A moth stirred from the grass, its gossamer wings making it a pale ghost in the moonlight. A quick snap of tiny jaws and the mouthful was gobbled down. With a surge of its wings, the bat flew on into the night. As it neared a barn blazing with light, the creature became somewhat curious. Usually at this time of night the barn would be empty, dark and inviting for one of its kind. Instead the bat could hear the sounds of ponies busily at work inside.
It would've flown closer for a better look, but a sudden chill down its spine made it think twice. An instinct, that even it barely understood, screamed loud and clear in the bats tiny head. Danger! Best to move on and find more prey. Best to find a safe spot and sleep the deep, dreamless sleep of hibernation. Best to go far, far from here to do it. There was nothing here for a tiny bat. Nothing but death.

{ I had to cut it short because I want to see if you guys like this. If you do so please vote or comment on what fanfic you would like to see next on here. I'll see you in the next update. Bye! Steal-Streak out!}

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