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Why is it so cold mummy?
It's been cold like this for the last few years, dear heart, you know that. Those pegasus have been trying to freeze us out, thinkin' we'd give them more food if they made it 'ard for us. But we'll show them that Earth Ponies are made of sterner stuff!
The pegasi? Are you harping on about that again sweetie?
Who else, dear? You said yerself when you're out plowing the fields with my brother that you've seen them darting about in the clouds above.
Aye, trying to figure out what those high and mighty unicorn's have done to make it snow and cold all the time! You mark my words, those pegasi are as stumped as us about all this. It's magic that's in those clouds, and magic what's bringing this unnatural cold upon us.
Could...could the unicorns make them go away daddy? Could they make it stop being cold?
They can do anything love! Anything at all, them. Why just a fortnight ago, when I and yer uncle went to deliver our tithe, I seen one of them fancy unicorns taking some of our produce and putting it into a box of his. Powered by magic it was! One end went in strawberries, the other end, out popped this strange creamy concoction that was as cold as any snow drift
Oh, you and your tales. You'll be giving her ideas that those horn heads are all powerful next. Their hooves are in the dirt as much as ours but they act like their even higher in the clouds than the pegasi! Not so different from us earth ponies that lot, but they always have to be putting on airs. We don't need you spreading their propaganda for them!
But it's true! He said he ran something called a Sweets Shop. Told me to stop in with my daughter next time I was in town and he'd give her a treat.
Next time you were in town. Do you mean the city daddy? The castle? Oh I've never been, you know how much I've wanted to go daddy! To see all the high lords and ladies!
Yes, well, your Da and I will have to have a talk about that. You get on with your chores. Step lively, brisk work of the limbs will do wonders to keep the chill out of your bones.

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