The village.

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Darkness complete and utter darkness. Everything was so still and silent, as my vision come back to me and started to focus, I realised where I was. All of a sudden it all come back to me, I was travelling to my parents when a fox ran infront if my car and u swirved into the banister then into a ditch. 'great' I thought to myself.

I trued my hardest to push my self up but I had a sharp shoiting pain up my arm I gazed down to realise my wrist was definitely dislocated. I screamed in shock and pain. I needed a hospital quick not only for my wrist but for the blood that was pouring down my face from my head.

reaching into my pocket with my good hand I pulled out my phone, unlocked it and went to dial 999 but just my luck the screen had cracked and was flashing blues, blacks and greens at me.

at this point I was more frustrated than in pain, I didn't have a clue where I was, where to go and no form of contact. All I needed now was fir sime butch man to run out of the bushes screaming at me I thought.

Stumbling out of my car I took my jumoer and made a make shift sling for my arm, looking around for a road sign was useless so it looked like id be walking in the direction was going. to calm my nerves before I started my journey to the unknown I sat down and sparked up a cig, the relief of nicotine was heaven. I smoked my cig looking at the stars thinking what now, one thing is for sure my first stop would be a bloody hospital!

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