Chapter 6 - 7

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Cheryls POV

'You have a really nice place!'. I look around Kimberleys apartment. Those furniture must've been quite expensive! 'Thanks. I decorated it together with Justin...'. Kimberley looks down. As strong as she seemed the past two days, as fragile she looks right now. I'm not sure if I should hug her, or do nothing. I go for the last. Kimberley looks up. 'I'm sorry, I'll help you get your stuff.'. She walks out.

'Okay, well this is your new bedroom.'. I look around. 'Seems pretty nice, thanks!', I say to Kimberley. She smiles. 'The bathroom's on your left, and my bedroom's over here.'. I smile back at her. 'Thank you,  once again, you don't have to do this for me.'. Kimberley nodds. 'Yes, I do. You can't go on the way things were. We'll find you a better place, but for now you'll have to stay here.'. Kimberley gives me a hug. 'I'll help you in every possible way.'. I watch her walking down the stairs. God, that bum... No! I can't think like that, she is my teacher! I make myself go into my bedroom, and I start unpacking my clothes.

'Wow, you're a great cook!', I say, and Kimberley laughs. 'Thanks!'.  She made rice and chicken, and it truly was delicious. 'Shall I help you with the dishes?'. I ask. Kimberley points at the tv. 'No, I'll put it in the dishwasher. You find something fun to watch.'. I sit down on the red velvet couch, and turn the tv on with the remote. ITV 2 is on, and I start switching channels, when I suddenly see someone familiar. I take a good look of the picture showed behind the news reader, and then I get the shock of my life. It's Ashley! I turn the volume up to hear what's wrong. ' Granny's Candy. One of the young men tied the old womens hands together, while the other one grabbed the money. The old womens grandson was at the shop when he heard all this noise. He grabbed a baseball bat from the back of the shop, and hit one of the young men with it. Then he took the young mens gun, and accidentally shot the other young men, who didn't survive. The body is still unidentified, and the other young men is in police hands. Jake McBrew, who's brave action will deserve a...'. The sound slowly softens and then It turns black in front of my eyes...

'Cheryl? Cheryl! Can you hear me?'. I slowly open my eyes to see Kimberley all worried. 'O God, you scared me honey, are you alright?'. I nod, and sit up. Ouch, my head hurts like hell. 'You suddenly fell of the couch, and hit the floor with your head. O my God, never do that again please!'. 'Ashley...', I whisper. 'What do you say sweetheart?'. Kimberley askes. 'Ashley.', I say again, a bit louder this time. 'Isn't he the boy who picked you up from school yesterday?'. She askes, and I nod. 'Yes. I just saw the news, and...'. I start crying, and Kimberley hugs me. 'You don't have to tell it, I'll rewind the tv.'. She takes the remote, and watches the news, while I'm sobbing in her arms. 'Is he the one who's been shot?', she askes, after she has seen it all. 'I don't know, but there's fifty percent change it is him. And it's my fault!'. I start crying even louder. Kimberley pulls a weird face. 'Your fault? Of course not, you weren't even there!'. I nod. 'That's the point! I was supposed to go with them, and I should've had their backs. Then I would've seen that Jake coming!'. Kimberley's petting me. 'Come on, you know it's their own fault. They shouldn't have tried to rob that shop in the first place!'. She stands up. 'Now you are free from Ashley, or st least another gang member.'. 'But they'll come after me now, because they think it's my fault of course!'. Kimberley takes my hand, and looks me straight in the eyes. 'As long as I'm alive, they won't hurt you.'.


Kimberleys POV

I take a look at my surroundings and the next thing I see is Cheryl lying beside me.. Her arms are wrapped around me and I hear her breathing, slowly, but so peaceful. I carefully unwrap myself and get off the couch. Guess it'll be nice to prepare some breakfast for that poor girl, can't imagine how hard it must be to be in her position right now. I hear my phone ringing on the counter, carefully I pick it up and walk to the next room trying not to wake Cheryl. 

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