A new day.

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Everyday is so boring. There is absolutely nothing to do, nothing to say, nothing new. I go to school, have my lessons and then go home. I hate this constant cycle of boredom! Nothing has colour anymore and I'm sick and tired of it, but what can I do?

I thought about how boring my life was as I walked to school with my best friend Hana.
"Hey! Are you listening?" Hana snapped me out of my thoughts.
"What? Oh sorry no I wasn't listening. What were you talking about?"
"Well, apparently there's gonna be some transfer students coming in today and they're all really good looking. Someone told me yesterday that their father is the owner of some big idol company!"
"How do you know all of this is true?" I asked her with some curiosity.
"Heh I don't."
"You're helpful aren't you?" I told her as we walked into our homeroom class.

The class wasn't any different from any other boring school day, everyone just spoke about nothing that was interesting. When the homeroom teacher came in, everyone became silent and sat into their chairs. Right behind him was a rather tall guy. Maybe Hana was telling the truth?

"Everyone, I'm sure that you're aware that we have a few new students joining you beginning today. I would like you to treat them with respect and make them feel welcome. Now introduce yourself." He turned to the tall guy and made way for him at the front of the class.
"Hi. I'm Daehan. Nice to meet you."
His voice was very deep but not quite intimidating. His hair was dark brown and he had sparkly chestnut eyes.
He was attractive....very attractive.
All the girls started squealing after he finished his introduction.
"Class rep!"
Oh boy. I stood up.
"You are to show Daehan around the school. Is that understood?"
"Ugh, why me..." I muttered under my breath.
"What was that Melody?"
"Ah nothing! I understand."
I could feel all the girls' eyes burning a hole in my back.
"You may sit down in that empty seat next to Melody, Daehan."
The homeroom teacher really wants me to die young doesn't he..
I turned to Daehan.
"What do you want?" I asked him coldly.
"I don't need you to follow me around, you'll just get in the way."
The attitude!
"Whatever." I replied and the first lesson began.

After class was over, I noticed Daehan leaving the room.
If I don't go follow him, the teacher is gonna give me hell.
As I got up, someone shouted me.
"Hey class rep! Where are you going?" it was one of the other girls. I just ignored her and followed Daehan but I lost him.
"Dammit where did this weirdo go?"
"What are you doing~?" a voice from behind me called out and startled me.
It was Daehan.
"Wha- oh it's you. Don't do that! Where were you going anyway?"

"The bathroom.Why, did you want to join me?"
The nerve of this kid.
"What the- no you absolute idiot! If you wander off somewhere I'll be the one given hell for not watching you!"
"Whatever stalker~" and he strolled off.
I stared at him as he was walking away and frustration started building up. I wanted to grab him by his gorgeous hair and punch his smug smile off. Just as I started following him again, I was grabbed by the arm.

"Hey. I was speaking to you." It was the girl who called out my name earlier.
"Well sorry but I don't have time for you. Now get off of me." I pulled her hand off of me and continued after Daehan who was now going upstairs to the roof. I opened the door to the roof and I saw 6 other guys, talking and I tried to listen to what they were talking about without being spotted, but I met with Daehan's eyes and instantly feared for my life.
"Hey it's you, stalker! What are you doing?"
"Stop calling me that! My name is Melody! And I told you that I'm supposed to keep an eye on you."
"Hey who's that?" asked one of the other guys.
"Class rep aka my stalker for the day."
Daehan replied.
"I told you the name's Melody!"
I shouted as I hit him.
The bell for the end of our lunch break rang and I got up to make my way back downstairs.
"Idiot, are you not coming to class?" He just ignored me and left the roof.
Who the hell does he think he is?! The nerve of that thing!

I returned to class and the next lesson started. We were doing some math problems but I got distracted because I was thinking about the new kid.
To be honest, he is quite cute. But that attitude oh my God...

"..and this is why x equals 7. Miss Jung are you paying attention?"
"Huh?" I answered dumbfounded.
"Detention after school today. You're setting a bad example for yourself as class rep young lady."
The other students sniggered.

Aww! I wanted to go home and listen to some kpop! Damnit Daehan!

The school day finished and I was making my way home at 4:30 pm after my detention. I opened the door and I saw that my dad was home quite early.
"Hey Dad. Why are you here so early?" I asked.
"Honey I have bad news. The company has shut down and I need to go overseas to try and set up something new. Listen carefully. I have a friend that you can live with until I come back okay?" I was taken aback by this sudden news.
"But Dad..What happened? How long are you gonna be gone for? And where is Minhyuk?"
"I'll be gone for about a year. Your brother has already gone to the house and has taken your stuff. I'm sorry darling. I'll be back before you know it." And with that, he left the house after he gave me directions to the new place where I was going to live.

I arrived outside the large house. It legit looked like a mansion. I read the silver sign which read PARK RESIDENCE.
I knocked on the door and Minhyuk greeted me at the door and dragged me inside.
"Melody, these people are crazy rich, and the guys here go to our school.. I already met one of them in homeroom today."
I had a bad feeling about what he was saying.

"Hello there! You must be Melody Jung right? Minhyuk's twin sister?"
A very formal man spoke.
"Yes that's me sir.." I replied nervously.
"Welcome to my home! I am Hyunwoo Park. A pleasure to meet you. Your father spoke of me earlier hasn't he?"
"Yes he has sir." I found myself in a very awkward position talking to this guy."
"Well you must meet my son and his friends. Daehan! Come and meet the twins."
No way...
"Hm?" The devil walked into the room and my bad feeling became a reality.
"It's you!" He shouted.
"Have you two met already? Asked Hyunwoo.
"Yeah Dad we're in the same class. Welcome to my home stalker." He winked at me and wore an evil smile.

I have to live with this jerk for a year??

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