chapter 2.

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Inside the court room itself, Pansy felt more nervous than before. The air was so cold she could almost see her breath as she exhaled, but she felt lucky for choosing to wear her thick trimmed suit rather than the silk one. People were sparsely sat across wooden benches, all with their heads pressed up into pieces of parchment or Daily Prophets, none really interested in the situation. One man had an unfortunate crooked nose that dominated their entire face. Pansy laughed and quickly covered her mouth when people eventually noticed her.

"Ahh, our next vi-," a shrill woman spoke up and quickly corrected herself, "interviewee. Please, come and sit down." From her high seat, she gestured to a small chair in the centre of the room. Graciously, Pansy nodded her head and carefully walked across the monochrome tiled floors, trying to keep her eyes on walking, feeling as though she'd fall at any moment. Timidly, she leaned back into the chair and smoothed down her skirt before taking a proper look at the scene in front of her. The woman looked as though she hadn't checked her reflection in a mirror since she was a teenager. Her grey ended curled hair covered a lot of her face, was wispy and visibly brittle. She wore no make-up, wore a bland suit, and had yellow teeth. Definitely showing up the Ministry. Pansy wondered what ditch they had pulled her out from and stopped thinking like that, trying not to behave like a stereotypical scrutinising Slytherin.

"Can you confirm that you are," The woman raised a pair of glasses to her eyes and read the parchment in front of her, "Pansy Victoria Parkinson of Thistle Park, daughter of Victor and Cecelia and seventh year Hogwarts student?"

Pansy simply nodded her head in return. Apparently that was not good enough. Quickly she said "Yes, that's who I am." Next to this woman was a fierce looking man with a flat cap and a shiny badge. A security guard. To her left was a young woman, no older than thirty, watching over a quick-quotes quill that documented every single word of this meeting.

"Right you are then." This woman gave Pansy an unnerving smile, yet her intention was to be friendly, not to startle her. "My name is Odette Childe; feel free to call me Odette. I don't suppose you understand the true extent of this interview?" Although she understood perfectly well, Pansy shook her head to co-operate. Odette seemed practically elated. "Right then! Well, as you know, the ministry needs to get a full report of what happened in the lead up to the Battle of Hogwarts for the vaults and records, you know the procedure I'm sure." her voice soon lacked in that original sparkle, "This also includes profiles on existing ex-followers of the Dark Lord and supporters from the better side."

Trying not to show her offence from her statement, Pansy gritted her lower teeth under the top set, waiting for her to reach some sort of point to her rambling.

Odette continued, "We've already had a few of your fellow students in your position. A Miss Ginevra Weasley was the last person under questioning. We are not accusing you, Miss Parkinson, of anything. However your associations could be quite useful to our research." Oh great. The Weasellette had been there, probably reeling off countless events in which Saint Potter behaved like some superior being. Anything she said now would be dark and weak in comparison. That notion stuck in the back of her mind.

Suddenly, Potter and Weasley were the least of her problems. Odette held out her wand towards Pansy while staring intensively without blinking at all. Confused, Pansy returned this focused glare and widened her eyes as she said clearly, "Legilimens" and entered Pansy's most private thoughts.

She was seconds away from drifting off to sleep when she noticed his eyes slowly opening. All day she had been sat there, hoping for some movements, and now that he awoke the day had started to reach its end. Frantically she grabbed his hand again and tried to wait calmly for him to recognise her, or at least sense her presence. Those distinguished grey eyes were filled with sadness as their gazes met, and just like so many times before, she was captivated by him.

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