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It was Saturday night and I was dragged to some party off campus with Mark. I didn't really want to be here, I wanted to be in my room with my laptop and watching some movie by myself while eating a bunch of junk food. However, here I was at some rowdy party with my boyfriend against my will. I enjoyed a good night out, a club or a party every now and then but I always when I wanted to go, not when Mark wanted to go and forced me. "Want a drink babe?" Mark asked me as he basically yanked me around the crowded house.


"Awe some on, baby, stop being prissy."

"Excuse me? You're not the one who is here against their will!"

"But you like a good party."

"I do but when I want to go to one! I'm in university now Mark. I need more time for studies."

"You mean for that guy." So this is what all of this was about. He didn't want me around Louis.

"Really?" I asked, obviously offended. "You really think I would cheat on you..." I asked him seriously but he never gave me an answer as he got me a drink. I rolled my eyes and took it, it reaked of alcohol, Mark knew I hated alcohol.

"Mark!" A voice said, both Mark and I looked over and saw this guy waving at him.

"Be right back babe. Stay here." With that order he left my side and walked over to his friend. Letting out a sigh, I felt relieved that he was gone and I could breathe with out him hovering over me. I hated being looked after like I was a child. I was twenty two, not two. I looked over at him drinking and laughing with his friends, and I smiled. I enjoyed watching him have fun... But my smile didn't last when I saw a a tall, thin, brunette come up to him. I was hoping he would ignore her but he turned and smiled down at her before putting his hand on her waist. I glared at them, I was seething. He was a hypocrite. I couldn't believe it. He hated me having a drink and sitting and chatting with Louis all because I danced with him two weeks ago, he wants to take me everywhere but he goes and acts like he's single. I was beginning to wonder why I was still with him.

"You know, this is the second time I've seen him ditch you for another girl right in front of you." I turned to look and saw Louis. "It's not my business but why are you still with him?" He asked. "It's completely obvious he's cheating on you." He finished with a shrug.

"You're right. It isn't any of your business." I told him hostilely, glaring at him and taking a couple of side steps away from him. Why is it that I always run into him? I looked over at him to take his appearance and once again, he appears as if he had just walked out of a shower. Why is it every time I see him he's wet in some way? "Why do you look like you just had gotten out of the shower?"

"Because I just got out of the pool." He answered, turning to me with a smirk on his face.

"If you just got out of the pool, why aren't your clothes wet?"

"Skinny dipping, love." He replied with a smirk. I simply looked at him, why on earth would he want to skinny dip in some strangers pool? "Have you never gone skinny dipping?" He asked, he seemed genuinely shocked.

"No. Why would I want to go skinny dipping, period?" I asked not seeing the point. 

"Because it's fun, it's daring, it's a rush!" He answered me. I continued to look at him, not really knowing what to make of him. I honestly didn't know what his end game was. Here he was, talking to me in a room full of girls who were ten times more attractive than I was...he could go and be with any of them, probably get laid with any of them if he wanted, but here he was...once again. With me. I was starting to think that this was maybe going to turn out like a joke or something, or that he was in a bet with someone, but I wasn't sure and I couldn't make assumptions. 

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