Fighting Skills 7

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Rude awakenings... Gotta love 'em.

It's not the fact that Belle poured ice down my pants to wake me up or the fact that she slapped me with what I think was a horse crop, but the fact that it was three thirty in the fucking morning that she woke me up.

Now we just happen to be training and I gotta say... Belle is a strong, controlling, sadistic and sarcastic little fuck. But she is one hell of a fighter and I'm getting my ass handed to me.


Belle landed a roundhouse kick to my chest, effectively forcing every ounce of air from my lungs and launching me across the backyard.

"FIGHT ME YOU PUSSY!!! MAKE ME PUKE BLOOD AND CURSE MY MOTHER FOR FORCING ME OUT OF HER COOKA!!!" she yelled in my ear while yanking me up by it.

"OW, Bitch quit it!!!" I yell as I tried to tear my ear out of her grip but she threw me before I could even get a grip. Her eyes glowed a blood red and her canines lengthened as she met my eyes.

"Again." she snarled. I stood and let my color burn through, I lengthened my nails and teeth. I snapped them at her as we circled each other.

"Hmm, all bark no bite eh?" she smirked and I snarled, I was beyond tired of her crap. I hated her taunting's and they just seemed to boil my blood to a point that it melted my veins. Charging at her I jumped and flipped in the air, kicking her under the chin and making her head snap back as she fell. I landed on all fours and met her eyes "Nice, trainee." she paused to suck her teeth as she stood she spit blood. "But I'm better." she smirked and ran towards me her fist clenched tightly, as I stood she rammed her fist into my gut, coughing she rammed her fist into me again twice as hard and I fell to the ground trying desperately to catch my breath. She stood above me smirking. I grabbed her ankle and threw her over my head, she sailed across the yard and landed with a loud thump. As she skid across the ground I heard a gasp.

I snapped my head and met Viktoria's scared gaze. I stood and my eyes widened.

"It's not what-" I was cut off as Belle slammed into me, I landed hard on my back with a grunt and I got my legs in between us and kicked her off of me.

"Damn it I was trying to talk Belle!" I yelled and she stood, she spit blood and wiped her mouth before responding.

"Talking never happens in battle!! Unless it's taunting Asshat!" she snarled again and charged. I caught her around the neck and slammed her into the ground as hard as I could, I landed kneeling and I swear I heard a bone pop. She struggled in my grip and tried and failed to get free.

My eyes burned brightly as I spoke chilling words in a voice I didn't even know I had.

"Damn it, Belle I was talking, you don't interrupt me while I'm speaking." she froze, her eyes wide. The voice that spoke was deep and calm. "Good, don't interrupt me again." I released her and she scrambled away from me, I met her eyes and a sharp pain echoed through my head. I fell to my knees as the piercing pain grew. Viktoria ran to me and kneeled beside me her eyes wide and fearful.

"Phoenix!! What the hell was that!!" she said desperately, trying to grasp what just happened I wasn't in the right state of mind as the pain pierced through my head again and it felt like it was trying to rip my spine in half. I clawed at my hair, wanting the pain gone. I felt something warm run down my face and it found it's way into my mouth through my lips as I bared my clenched teeth in pain. The metallic flavor of my blood exploded across my tongue as it followed the first drops.

"What's wrong with him?!?" I vaguely heard Vik yell at Belle before I collapsed into her lap.


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