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Mages: Elementals – 16 tributes

Fire – Male and Female

Water –Male and Female

Air–Male and Female

Earth–Male and Female

Lightning–Male and Female

Metal–Male and Female

Plants–Male and Female

Gravity–Male and Female

Sages: 8 tributes

Shapeshifter–Male and Female

Illusionist–Male and Female

Warrior–Male and Female

Shadows–Male and Female

Wizards: 8 tributes

Conjurer –Male and Female

Healer –Male and Female

Shield–Male and Female

Space–Male and Female

TOTAL NUMBER: 32 tributes


Elemental magic is self explanatory... Mages think their attacks and then do it. You can throw fireballs, huge waves, lighting strikes, electrocute people, gusts of air, whatever you can think of within your element. Keep in mind the more powerful magic you cast, the more energy you spend. For example, if you're a fire mage, then casting a fireball wouldn't use up much energy. But creating a wall of fire that consumes the country side? It would probably kill your tribute. Examples of attacks that your mage would think would be: fire ball, storm of fire, electric floor, tendrils of fire, gust of wind, cyclone, wall of metal, metal shards, water wave, hurricane, earthquake, earth fist, gravity shift, growing vines, etc. Stuff like that. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you do a complicated spell right at the start of a fight, then you wouldn't have any energy left over to do anything else. So spells like storm of fire, cyclone, hurricane, earthquake, changing gravity around more than one person would not leave you much energy left over. Now, if you cast a few fireballs, water waves, gusts of wind, metal shards, growing vines, or attacks like that, you'd have plenty  of energy left for the rest of the fight. 


Shapeshifter- your tribute can cast a spell and transform into any animal or person that they want. What or who they change into will determine how much energy they use. For instance, changing into a mouse would hardly use any energy at all, but changing into a lion or a tiger? It would exhaust your tribute. Energy is also used by how long they stay in that other form. If they were a mouse they could probably stay in it all day and night without using up much energy. Two days? Their energy would be spend. As a lion or a tiger? They could probably stay in it for five or six hours at the most, and then they would be exhausted and would have to wait for their energy to recuperate after they changed back. If they did a more powerful spell and changed into an ancient creature such as a Pegasus, or a dragon? It would probably kill them. If they changed into a person they could probably last about an hour or so before they passed out. Keep in mind that if you changed into a person for an hour straight, you wouldn't be able to change into anything else for awhile. If you change into a tiger for twenty minutes, then you have plenty of time to change into other creatures and people before your energy is spent.

Illusionist-  your tribute can get in someone's mind, read their thoughts, send them thoughts, make them see whatever you want, including them making them see nothing at all. Each one is a different spell, with different amounts of energy that it costs. Reading someone's mind would be simple and wouldn't take much energy. Sending them thoughts would take a little bit more than that, but not much. Making them see nothing but blackness would use up about half their energy. Sending ten people the same thought? They would be exhausted after the spell. Sending them a simple illusion would take a little more energy than sending them a thought. Making that illusion like a movie in their minds and making it last for an extended period of time? How much energy they use would be determined by what the illusion is, how complicated it is and how long. For example, making them see their own death would be complicated, so you could probably only make it last for half an hour or so. Making them believe they're being attacked? If you kept the attacks and moves simple you could probably keep it up for two hours before you'd be exhausted. Keep in mind how many illusions you send or how many thoughts you read. Picking the thought of a room full of twenty people wouldn't leave you much energy left to send an illusion. Likewise sending an illusion to the same room of twenty people would probably make you pass out. Keep track of your energy levels and how much you're using. 

Author's Games: MagiWhere stories live. Discover now