Chapter 1: Hello There; Here's the beginning

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Hi. If your reading this then I might as well get straight to the point, I'm autistic. Well, let's rephrase that, I actually have Asperger syndrome, but I guess so called "Scientist" would rather put it in the same category. But if your willing to put that aside then, yeah that's what I have and i know what your probably thinking. The first thing that probably comes to your head is "oh yeah, it's like some kind of mental disorder" or "I've never heard of it before" well, I'm not surprised you would say the second one, but if you said the first one, you'd be completely wrong. But there's no need to fear, I'm here to explain what it is.

You see Autism is actually a social disorder, people with it, they are normal people, they just have a difficult time socializing with others and I would know. We have problem with studying facial expression, body language, vocal tones, as well as keeping on topic. These were some of the biggest disadvantages I had growing up, but thanks to good parents and a little development I was able to get past all of this.

Now your probably saying right now "Hey I wanted to read a story, not be lectured on something like I'm in school!" Well, cool your jet skis crazy, I'm getting to that point. You see I've read a lot of books about different disorders. Disorders ranging ADD, OCD, Tourette's, and ODD, but throughout my time reading those stories, I've never found one that discusses life, you know like living with Autism (Unless someone already did, in this case, I'm late for the party) that it gave me the idea to write this and well here I am. Before we really get down to it I want to let you know that in this story I'm going to be showing you what it's like to grow up with Autism by showing how I saw the world, my problems and my obstacles and maybe, just maybe, you'll see what it's like to have Autism.

So let's begin.

When I was born I didn't really get to see what's it's like to live with what I call a complete family, cause my mom and dad both divorced when I was three years old. Up at that point I would say that was when a little bit of my Autism began to show in me. Unlike some kids who would probably be a little bummed out about there parent's splitting but I guess it's cause I was really young so it didn't effect me as much as I thought.

Speaking of which, I mentioned that this moment is when my Autism began to show was because at such a young age, when I was given my first development toy, you know where the baby puts like different shapes into the right spot, well I learned real quick. By then I was already learning how to draw and knew my shapes at the age of 2. Plus when I was an infant I would cry a lot when I would be held at anytime. I looked this up and I guess certain people on the spectrum are very sensitive to touch. But now back to the official story.

As my parents divorced, I would go back in forth with both my mom and dad which really confused me at that time. For a few days I would be living with my Mom and then suddenly I would be living with my dad and it was almost like my head was spinning. At the age of 5, I'm not entirely sure but I think my mom finally got custody of me and I officially started living with her and my sister. I would now only visit my dad on certain weekends.

It was at this time at the age of 7, not only did I meet my step-dad but people started to notice me get a lot more hyper my age. And funny thing, my mom thought by giving me coffee to drink that I would calm me down, but that only made me jittery. I don't where she got such an idea like that from.

By living with a step-dad, I also had a step-brother and sister. While certain people would see them that way, my mind made it seem as though they were actually my brother and sister, mostly cause that's what they treated me like. My step-brother was the fun one, he loved to play video games with me and he always loved to mess around with me, my step-sister, I don't really remember much about her, mostly because I never hung out with her as much.

Now this is where I remember a lot of my school time and elementary was a not so big thing about my life, and that's because after every year of school I would move to another one, back and forth, I'm pretty sure I moved to at least 4 different elementary schools in my life, and one of them was out of state, but I'll get down to that later. School was pretty weird for me though at my age.

I didn't really play with many kids in class, and I would always sit by myself at lunch, mostly because I was nervous about meeting new people. The one thing that I remember from about that time was that I was somewhat of a smart kid back then, I would always seem to be the first one to finish my work and I would get good grades on a lot of my work.

Kids noticed me a lot but I don't think they ever really considered hanging out with me, not just cause I was quiet at the time but because I didn't look like I had much fun, even during recess. If you knew me back then, or saw me during that time most of my time outside would either be sitting on the school walls throwing a football in the air, or as original, sitting by myself at the swing set. Not because people didn't like me or anything, but like I said, I get nervous around people I don't know so it made me seem a little bit weird.

By the time I was half finished with 1st grade, that's when I got the news I was moving to South Carolina, And my autism began to spiral out of control. That I will explain in the next chapter.

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