Chapter 5: A sudden downfall

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Before we begin this chapter, don't take this chapter title too literal. I just thought it so

So of course, everything was going ok in the last chapter, but like I said in the ending things did not stay good for long.

George and his friends would come by every now and then, and we hang out and do some things. But I think my true self began to really show, and not slowly mind you. I mean a lot, for example, they seem to notice that I really loved video games, and so much so that when they all came over, more often than not they would see me playing some type of video game.

To give a little background, I love video games, but back then I liked them too much. And it wasn't to the point where they were controlling my life, but more because there was nothing really better for me to do. I couldn't really hang out with other kids cause well... you know.

Second example, which to add to it is a short story, everyone, not just George and his friends, but everyone at school found me not to be in the best of shape. I didn't make good healthy decisions, and I became a little overweight and out of shape. And because of this I was never really the athletic one in my school. Crazy enough, their were more kids in my school that were way bigger than me but they had better finesse than me. To add to it, I was always picked last for every P.E activity that involved all of us playing on teams.

Because of this, George would invite me to a park by my house called Marty Robbins to play basketball or football with him and some other group of kids. Sometimes we would go there to play pool if they allowed us. This place was a really awesome place, they had pool tables, a ping pong table, indoor basketball court, a playground, swimming pool and a humongous open field park. When we would come to play basketball I didn't really mind because I actually was good at that game.

But football was where I drew the line at, and that was because of a lot of reasons that are too many for me to list, so I'll only put a few. One, it was more often than not tackle football and one thing I'm pretty sure some of you could agree with is that no one likes being tackled. Two, like I stated, I was not a very athletic kid, so I was not the fastest or even the strongest. And lastly, football is never something I wanted to really play myself in my life.

As we started to approach fifth grade in my elementary school, things in there just got a little worse for me with all the other kids. And even worse, my friendships began to dwindle and everyone drifted away from me. George and me got in a huge fight over something that I can't seem to recall but afterwards we stopped talking to each other.

That of course set off a huge chain reaction of events throughout all of elementary school.

His friends began to dislike me, even go so far as to sometimes mock me and call me out on some of the things I loved to do such as play video games and watching cartoons. They would a lot of the times push their friends into me on purpose to get me very mad. If your wondering how that works, it's when someone would push their friend into you and that person would use all their might to shove you even harder, making it look for other people as if someone bumped into you basically getting away with it.

And lets not forget that no one would even come near me at that point making feel as though I was carrying the plague. It got so sad, that pathetic as it is, I began to cry in private a whole lot. Whether it be someone far away on the playground, in the bathroom, or even in my room after school.

I tried to fix at certain points in my life to make it stop such as trying to make anew with others who I became enemies with, but they would either laugh at me or even goes so far as to make fun of me for being in their eyes "a little wimp". I began to think at this point of other things I could do to make it stop but then it hit me right there and then that it wouldn't. But not immediately, I kept thinking to myself that it would probably go away when I was in middle school and I would just have to wait another year.

But on the plus side to being in the fifth grade, I got to meet someone entirely new in my life. She was a babysitter my dad hired to watch over me while he was out of town, her name was Liz. She was one of the nicest people I actually met.

She took real good care of me, helped me with my homework and played lots of games with me. But of course at the young age I was in, and with my autism I did act like a brat towards her.

I know sometimes it was because of me and how I should've been a good kid, but sometimes when it was communicating or interacting with other people i couldn't really help it.

Sometimes she would take to her families place to hang out with them, or she would take me to parties, which is okay, but I never liked being in big crowds cause they always did meet new people which was real good for me.

And did make some friends with her niece and nephew, who were actually the son and daughter of one of my dad's coworkers atv the truck driving business.

All in all, I did meet a fun person in my life, but school was sort of bad for me. Don't get me wrong it could've been worse, but it was still not a good place.

And a lot of people have asked me if I am still upset about what happened to me and if I still hold grudges against the kids. Truth be told yes and no, I already have forgiven them for what they have done because we were all just kids, but it still makes me upset to think about it. And they only way you could make me hold a grudge against anyone is if that person found a way to betray my trust, that I will never forgive.

But i will just say this, if you think that elementary school sounded bad for me. Let me tell you, I am still surprised of the fact that I survived middle school. Which was hell on earth.

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