Drama Again

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Rocs POV

I woke up, relieved all the drama was over. I sure as hell know that there will be drama today though. Mmmm what ever.

Me: wake up Heaven *shaking Heavens arm*

Heaven: Mmmm no thanks

Me: Get up or you will regret saying no

Heaven: and your gonna do what 

Me: this * I jump on Heaven* NOW GET UP


Me: sure,but if you don't get up it will be rape *winks and walk out the room*

Heaven: ok..im up

Me: yea i bet

                                 -walks to the living room to see everyone awake-

       Princeton's POV

I still can't believe Nisha didn't tell me that I was gonna be a father.

Me: Nisha, can I talk to you for a minute.?

Nisha: Yea, I guess. *gets up and heads to our room*

Me: How come you didn't tell me that I'm gonna be a father.? *sits on bed*

Nisha: I was gonna tell you. I had to make sure first, I have a doctor's appointment later. Do you wanna come with.? Minnie's coming too.

Me: Of course I do.! And that's cool.

Nisha: Yaay.!!

Me: Lets head back.

Nisha: Kay *grabs my hand*

                -walk into the living room-

Roc: Wanna play truth or dare.?

Everybody: Hell yea.!!

Roc: Ite imma go first......Nisha truth or dare.?

Nisha: Dare.

Roc: I dare you to make out with Ray for 30 seconds.

Prince andd Minnie: No.!

Nisha: Ite. It's just a dare. *walks over to Ray*

Nisha andd Ray: *starts making out* 

Princeton: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30. Times up Ray.

Nisha: Thank god. That was horrible. *wipes mouth*

Minnie: It better have been.

Nisha: Ericka truth or dare.?

Ericka: Truth

Nisha: You wack but..is it true that you love Prod.

Ericka: *blushes* yes

Everyone except Prod: Awwwwwww

Prod: I love yo too

Ericka: Heaven truth or dare.??

Heaven: I pick- *gco by the door* I'll get it.

Heaven: *opens door* Jacob.??

Princeton: What.?

Heaven: Not you jackass. Him. 

Jacob: Can I talk to you in private.?

Heaven: Ummmm..sure. *walks to the kitchen*

                                               -in the kitchen-

  Heaven's POV

Jacob pulled me to the kitchen and Roc was giving him the death glare.I shrugged and went into the kitchen.

Jacob:Heaven I know things went wrong in our relationship..and I want to get back together.

Me: But i'm with Roc dumbass.

Jacob: Yeaa about that...

Me: So you want me to break up with Roc to go with your goofy ass.? What happened to all them hoes you had.??

Jacob: But you used-

Me: Key word used. I'm outta here *walks away*

Jacob: *grabs Heavens arm* listen..your gonna dump Roc's sorry ass and go back with me ok

Heaven: WHAT THE FUCK GET OFF ME !! ROC HELP *Roc come bursting through the door*

Roc: Dude what the hell is wrong with you.?? Let her go.!

Jacob: YO is not that real

Heaven: Hey, Jacob, if you dont get the fuck off me in five seconds , you will have no teeth, nun,ZERO. *starts counting down* 5, 4, 3, 2, ......


    We left ya'll with a cliffy. LOL just cuz we felt like it.

   xoxo Mindless Crew 143


Heavens POV

Before i could get to 1 , roc had already attacked him ! Roc was really beating the living shit out of him. I called everyone to come help before roc acutally killed the nigga

Prod: What the fuck is going on .... OH SHIT *tries to pull roc off of jacob*

Ray: Roc is beating his ass *laughing*

Minnie: Thats not funny Babe *tries to help pull roc off*... Ouch you fuucking bitch ass nigga (she accidently got punched in the mouth by jacob)

Ray: Baby are you ok ?

Nisha: Whats going on ! stopp 

Ericka: EVERYBODY GET THE FUCK UP ... NOW !  (everybody quickly got up)


Me: Long story *rolls eyes and, walks out the room*

Minnie: Jacob, you a punk ass bitch ! Ugh we cant go one day with out fucking drama... and my mouth fucking hurts 

Ray: Jacob, imma bout to fuck your ass up *Prince and minnie stop him*

Jacob: OH shit .. am i suppose to be scared ! I aint got this to do ! FUCK YALL *leaves*

Ericka: UGHH ... this is too much ! come on prod lets go back to sleep *grabs prods hand*

Nisha: yeahhh ! to "sleep" AHa .. yall lil nastys

Ericka: shut up *laughing*

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