Love, by chance? pt 6

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It gets a little dirty past the line break so I suggest anyone under the age of 18 not read past the break. Sorry. There just HAS to be sex in it. :D


Lauren walked hand in hand with Jillian down the street. She walked slowly, not really in a hurry to get anywhere. She smiled as she caught Jillian's eye and a sweet smile graced her face. Lauren couldn't remember the last time she had been so happy. The sky was slightly clouded but Lauren barely noticed. It had been a week since the BBQ at Jillian's house and they had spent every waking moment together, telling stories, laughing, playing games, and most of all seeing the sights. Lauren and Jillian went to all  the museums and the zoo and arcades. But she had to admit that the time she enjoyed the most was the time when they were alone and Lauren could kiss her and the world would fall away. Lauren had memorized every curve of Jillian's sweet body, and every feature of her face. She had already learned so much about Jillian that she felt like she had spent a lifetime with her. Lauren knew she had to approach a dreaded subject soon, because it would just fester and get out of hand. Lauren stopped next to a railing and leaned against it, pulling Jillian with her. Jillian let out a startled laugh as her body pressed fully against hers. Lauren smiled as her hand went to cup Jillian's face and pull the hair back from her beautiful smoky eyes. Before she could say anything Lauren lifted to place a firm extended kiss on her soft lips. Her lips tasted vaguely of the strawberries Lauren had fed her before they had left the hotel. And the heat from her mouth urged Lauren to deepen the kiss. She opened her mouth and slipped her tongue into Jillian's mouth and tasted the full sweetness of it. Her hand drifted to Jillian's soft waist and held her against her. Jillian's arms held tightly to Lauren's neck. Lauren willed herself to stop the kiss and when she was finally able to, Jillian's nipples were hard against Lauren's equally heightened body, revealing both of their sexual awareness. Jillian's breath came in short spurts.

"Do you want to go back to the hotel?" Jillian asked with lust filled eyes. Lauren quickly broke eye contact to prevent herself from giving in to her request. She knew what she had to do. There was no preventing the conversation.

"We can't. We need to talk." Lauren said with a saddened look upon her face. She quickly ran her hand through her already tousled blonde curls and cringed a little. Jillian frowned and took a step back from Lauren. She crossed her arms over her chest, in what seemed like a defensive pose and nodded for Lauren to continue. "I'm leaving soon." Jillian's eyes softened as the words left Lauren's mouth. "My vacation is more than over and I have to be back at work in two days." Lauren said as her hands found the railing behind her and she quickly lifted herself to sit on it. Jillian looked at her strangely. Her arms uncrossed and her hands went into her jean pockets that reminded Lauren of a child's stance. 

"Alright. So what is it that you want to talk about?" Jillian said with a twinge of anger. Lauren sighed and stood at her tone. She walked over to Jillian and reached for her hands, but Jillian pulled her hands from her grasp. Lauren cringed. 

"We can make this work. If you want to make it work." Lauren's jaw tensed as Jillian's eyes fell to the ground instead of her own face. 

"How can we make it work?" Jillian asked, her attention still not fully on Lauren. Lauren, slightly frustrated lifted her face to look at her. 

"I get paid very well. I can't just quit my job and move here. I have to give 30 days notice." Lauren paused momentarily as Jillian seemed to weigh what Lauren had just said. "I can do my job anywhere. I know you have a life here, and I would never ask you to leave it. What I want to know is what do you want?" Lauren asked as she smoothed a silent tear from Jillian's cheek. Jillian smiled slightly at the touch. 

"I think I need some time to think about it." Jillian said, obviously uncertain of what to do next. Lauren smiled. 

"You can have it." She grinned earnestly. "Let's go back to my room." Lauren suggested boldly. She figured if they couldn't last forever they could at least have right now. That was all that mattered to her. She wanted to know Jillian's body. She wanted her forever blazed into her mind and her heart. The short time they had together had already changed Lauren. She never believed in true love until that moment. She pleaded with Jillian to oblige and she responded by grabbing her hand and leading her quickly back to the hotel room.


Lauren laughed as she slammed the door behind them and promptly lifted Jillian from the ground and shoved her lightly against the wall. Jillian's jeans were a touch too tight for her legs to fully wrap around Lauren's waist so Lauren's hand quickly flicked the button on her jeans open and slipped the zipper down. A sudden flare of lust caught Lauren as she saw dark blue string bikini she wore beneath. She grinned as she claimed Jillian's mouth. Hard and sure of herself, she didn't hold back. Her hands cupped Jillian's butt as the wall supported her back. Jillian's nail bit gently into the tender skin of Lauren's shoulders. Lauren's hands quickly reached beneath her jeans to cup her bare butt. She squeezed roughly and Jillian let out a little gasp against Lauren's lips. Lauren promptly put her down and reluctantly broke the kiss to pull off Jillian's t-shirt and her own. With a flick of her wrist Jillian's bra was undone and she smiled as her nipples instantly went hard. She kissed each one softly before removing her own bra. She felt a jolt as their breasts grazed each other and she bent down to pull off Jillian's jeans. She kneeled in front of her and pulled them off of her slender legs. She slowly kissed her way up from her feet to her inner thigh and she pressed a hot wet kiss to the most intimate part of Jillian and Jillian's hands instantly went to back of her head with a small moan. Lauren laughed and quickly pulled down the dark blue bottoms. Lauren pulled Jillian's leg over her shoulder so she could hold herself up but Lauren could still get access to her soft center. Jillian's body arched as Lauren put her mouth firmly on the junction of Jillian's legs. Her fingers sought out her soft folds and entered them as her tongue massaged Jillian's clit. Jillian's legs almost gave way as Lauren's finger moved in and out of her increasingly wet pussy. Lauren smiled as she stood and Jillian let out a soft grunt in frustration. Lauren lifted Jillian from the ground once more and threw her atop the springy mattress. Jillian's bounced slightly and smiled in glee. Lauren quickly took off her own pants and underwear and leapt beside her on the bed. She leaned on a elbow and stared into Jillian's smiling face as she let her hand drift over Jillian's small firm breasts and down her flat stomach to find her sweet center once more. She let one finger slip inside while the other made slow lazy circles around her clit. Jillian's breathing quickened significantly and Lauren leaned over and took one of Jillian's nipples in her mouth. Jillian let out a small shout as Lauren lightly bit her breast. Lauren loved every little sound that got past Jillian's sweet lips. Lauren grinned as she quickly moved off of the bed to put her head between Jillian's legs once more. She quickened her pace with her  finger and  let her tongue take the place of her thumb. She sucked gently and massaged and she felt JIllian's body begin to tense and her soft moans became more frequent and louder. Lauren slowly got faster and sensed Jillian's climax before her body tensed and shook and she let out a loud scream followed by a series of expletives. Lauren grinned as she joined her atop the mattress once more. She kissed her neck softly and ran her tongue along Jillian's collarbone. As Jillian lay the motionless for a moment. Her heavy breathing was the only sound that filled the room. Suddenly Jillian let out a breathy laugh. 

"Wow." She said simply and stretched like a lazy cat and then her eyes met Lauren's mischievously. "Your turn." Lauren laughed as Jillian climbed atop her. Jillian's hands gently massaged Lauren's breasts. They were already oversensitive from the arrousal of making Jillian orgasm. Jillian kissed Lauren. Hard and urgently. She reached behind her and her hand found Lauren's most sensitive area. Lauren let out a small yelp as sensations filled her body. Jillian rocked her body against Lauren's to the rythym of her hand, slowly building Lauren to climax. Lauren's hands reached to Jillian's clit to massage it. She wanted them to release together. She sat up and pulled her body against her as Jillian continued her motion, Lauren's breathing became desperate and her mouth sought out Jillian's breast once more. She felt Jillian tense once more and this time Lauren was right along with her. They sat still for a moment. Interlinked, slightly sweaty and exhausted. Lauren said something against Jillian's slightly salty skin that only she could hear. She leaned up to press a kiss to her lips and they fell back on the bed. Jillian curled up next to her and Lauren peeled the hair off of Jillian's slightly damp forehead and made lazy circles with her hand on Jillian's back.

And with a smile Lauren said, "I think a shower is in order." 

Love, by chance? (Lesbian romance)Where stories live. Discover now