Linda was this tall beautiful girl with long brown hair who was 22 and had the personality of an angle and was very sweet, She was just starting to work at the local bakery that was right down the street to her apartment. She had known the owners for years. They were an old family friend.
Linda was going to go for a drive to clear her head. She was having a rough day, her beautiful fluffy, grey and brown, part blue nose part husky dog got sick she was crushed. She has had Bella ever since she was 2 weeks old, her mother passed away two weeks after she was born. Linda hand fed her so she was her mom, Bella is now 8 years old. When she took Bella in and found out she had cancer she felt her heart stop. She was crushed even more when she had to stay the night to get more testes done. Linda left the vet thinking everything is going to be okay, everything happens for a reason she thought. But on her way back home her car broke down, So she ended up taking the subway home.
she stepped on the subway and went to sit down but the only seat open was by an elderly lady. She had a little white Blose on with a nice pair of dress pants. She sat down next to her and thought to herself "why me? What did I do to get my dog sick? I fed her properly I always took great care of her. She was all I have left of family. She's my baby" then there was a sudden stop so I stood up in confusion.
"We broke down, we're going to be here a while" I say with tears in my eyes. the elderly woman looked at me and said "well can you move away from me? I don't think I can sit by one of you any longer" I look in shock and say "what do you mean?" In embarrassment because everyone is listening in now.
The elderly lady says "one of YOU PEOPLE, you are gay aren't you? I can spot one from a mile away" I looked at her trying not to cry " I'll do you one better, I'll get off at the next stop so you don't have to look at me" I say fighting back tears "well what will you do in the mean time? I can't sit by you. I think your disgusting!"
A man walked towards me "ma'am I think that's enough, this woman is human and doesn't need to listen to your shit! I think you are the one who should leave" he looked over at me " are you okay?" He said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you by the way" I say still fighting back these tears but I feel one sneak out " it's no problem, my sister is gay as well and I would do this for her so why not other people, are you sure your okay?" he says smiling "well it means a lot and yeah, I'm just having a bad day" I say as we start moving again "the next stop is right up there are you still going to get off so I don't have to look at you? Your a disgusting human and I don't think you should be allowed on!"
"OH SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU OLD BITCH" the man said to her as she quietly sits there in awwe thinking no one would ever speak to her that way " I have to get off at the next stop anyway, it's okay." I say with a blank look on my face staring at the old woman. Looking at her made me sick to think that there are still homophobic people like her. She was extremely rude and I couldn't bare to keep looking at her.
I start to walk off as the subway stopped. "Wait" I hear. "My name is Brian and my sister is Dylan. Here's my number and we can hang out sometime, I know your gay but I think your cool and would love to be your friend" I look at him as if he just tried to get with me. "Well I'll definitely keep in touch, thank you again for that"
I walk away as my face turns bright red but this day was still horrible, but the bright side I just made a new friend! Then I got home remembering about Bella and how she's sick I get a shower and start to cry thinking to myself what the fuck do I do with myself now
Hey I don't know if anyone is even going to read this. First book and all, but if there's anyone out there leave your comments especially if there's anything I should change thanks!! :)
Preferably love
RandomLinda Butts isn't your "typical" girl she's smart, out going, the type of girl who could make anyone smile, one day her world fell apart and crumbling she ends up finding someone is great love story with heated and romantic times