Where did you go?

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Kenma lived in a big apartment with kuroo for almost three years. Kenma woke up to the room brightly lit with the feeling of a good day, the sun was bearly rising over the horizon shining in there room. He smiled and looked around the room, he looked down and he saw his partner of three years wake up and look at him with a smile on his face "morning love"
"Morning" kenma said as he pushed a pillow against kuroos face and laughed. He laid back down and looked at kuroo eye to eye after moving the pillow "I love you"
"I love you too kenma"
"I'm always here kenma"
"What do you mean you are here"
"I'll always love you"
"Don't forget me " kuroos voice was getting quieter as kenma sprung up from his bed in a cold sweat with tears running down his face. He looked at the clock 2:30 am his breath uneven and shaky. He sat up and looked around the room, dark, empty, lifeless. The sun wasn't rising for a while he looked to his side and no one was there. "Kuroo.." He said his voice chocking up as he grabbed a pillow and hugged it tightly sobbing into it.

Two years before kuroo had died from illness. He got pneumonia liquid filled his lungs and he passed away, kenma has never been the same. Happy dreams wth him are like nightmares to kenma because he can't help but know he lost the biggest part of his life. Kenma stopped playing volleyball, only showing up to the club to talk to all the first and second years he met his third year. When he did show up everyone felt pity and was awkward. He stopped attending college classes and stayed at the apartment in bed, for a few week he would eat the very minimum to stay alive, sometimes he hoped he would die too but knew that kuroo would want him to live.

It's been two years now, kenma has a stable job, he keeps the apartment together, but he never goes to see anyone. He stays in The apartment, only leaving for work or for groceries. People come over like his parent but he doesn't like to leave because he still has breakdowns around things he used to see with kuroo, the apartment is the only safe memory, even then like tonight he breaks down.
He lost kuroo, his best friend, his lover, and the only one that ever meant the world to him, and he couldn't stand it. For an hour kenma sat up eyebrows and nose scrunched trying not to cry even though the tears kept coming, open mouth like he wanted to scream with little chokes of noise and every now and again a sob. The only thing he managed to get out was his name "kuroo" the rest was him falling apart again.

(Enjoy more angst I know this one is short and not that great but hey whatever)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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