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At the top of the popularity ladder in Brentwood High is Isabella Anderson, infamous for her cold heart and arrogance. It is ironic how she is the most popular student yet feared and hated by many. When the pressure becomes too high in school, she might just crack.

Ethan King is notorious for his bad attitude yet he is fiercely loyal to his friends. When he steps in to help her, he finds himself going out of his way to save her lonely self. If he fails, he might just lose himself too.

After all, when you play with fire, you're bound to get burnt. 


Someone told me that they wouldn't read my story and it wasn't convincing because in my summary, Isabella is a popular girl, so how can she be lonely?

The world is never in black and white, there are so many shades of grey (cue the 50 shades jokes). Just because someone is popular doesn't mean that they have a lot of friends. They might have lots of friends, but none of them could be true enough to stick with them through thick and thin.

Some popular people are the saddest and loneliest people around, constantly being judged by others. People often have a preconception of what they are like before even knowing them personally. These happen to everyone, not only popular people. 

Some of the 'bitches/sluts' you see in some high school stories? Calling them such names (with meaning and hate) is as good as verbal bullying to me. 


➵ Caution: Violence and Swearing (maybe steamy?) 

➵ Status: Ongoing (November '15 - )

➵ Not edited, there is gong to be some errors and stuff but I'll get back to it after I finish the story.   

-15 December 2015: Changed the summary and edited the prologue. 

- 27 February 2021: I decided to edit and republish the story here.

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