Last Night

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Jack's POV
I rubbed my eyes as the sunlight burst into my eyes, making me groan in pain. And like my typical Monday morning, I felt a pain hammering into my head but somehow; it's much more worse than usual.

"Fuck... how much did I drink last night...?" I asked myself as I rub my head, trying to make it feel a bit better.

Suddenly, there's a movement beside me. I was expecting to see a cute random girl but what I found instead was my roommate Mark, mumbling in his sleep. His face was facing my direction, as his hand was putted on my waist.

My mind became hectic, trying to remember something about last night. A blush tinted on my cheeks, not knowing what to do. "W-What the fuck... what did I do last night?!"

I didn't realize that I was shouting until Mark woke up, grunting. His pink hair was messy in the best of ways as his eyes were half shut. "Morning Jack..."

"M-Morning... um, M-Mark? Can you explain to me... what happened last night?" I stuttered, feeling blood drained from my face.

He stares at me, showing me an expression saying 'You don't remember a thing?' as he chuckles in amusement.

"Mark, I'm serious!" I cried out, wanting an answer.

"Calm down there. We didn't do anything, I swear." He said as he paused for a while and sigh. "You were super drunk last night and you stole my blanket and asked me to cuddle with you. You even asked me to do a pinky promise."

My face became red, as I look away, trying to hide my embarrassment. "Shit... really?" I asked again, trying to clarify.

"Why would I lie to you at this point?" He said as his face became more serious.

"True..." I sighed. "I-I'm so sorry Mark... I don't know what I was thinking."

"It's okay Jack, I'm not mad or anything, you were drunk as balls last night." He smiled to me. "Besides, it's kinda nice."


"Um... Nothing."

I nodded, trying to not make things more awkward. Silent was filling up the room as we sit in my bed, not looking at each other. "Oh! I forgot, I, um... I should make breakfast!" He said as he stood up, leaving the room. "Oh, Jack. Do you need anything?"

"Aspirin and coffee please... Make it black."

"Okay, then. You should take a cold shower while I make some breakfast for us. I heard that it kinda cure hangover."

"Thank you, I'll do that." He nodded in respond as he shuts the door, leaving me alone. Not wanting to make the pain more worse, I stood up, trying to find a clean shirt and pants. I did find a pair of jeans but couldn't find any clean shirt except Marks. I sighed, not knowing what to do. Well I guess he wouldn't be mad... I shrugged, taking the shirt with me.

[Time skip. Brought to you by laziness!]

Mark's POV
I flipped the pancake batter in the pan, humming a random tune that passes my mind. I have to admit, last night was... pretty nice. It's been a while since I cuddled with anyone. The last time I cuddled with someone was my mom on our Christmas dinner last year (sad isn't it?) I missed someone's touch... I really do. But, I don't know... since I came out to my girlfriend, we broke up and I never dated anyone ever since. I was too shy and scared to admit about my sexuality to anyone except my family and my close friends (like Bob and Wade.) Jack doesn't even know that I'm gay even though we've been living together for the last two years. I even develop a little crush on him but I tried to shrug it off, reminding myself that he's straight.

As I got lost in my thoughts, a familiar voice made me go back to reality. "Mark, don't burn the damn pancake!"

"Oh! Sorry!" I said as I flipped the almost-burnt pancakes. "Thanks Jack," I sighed, looking towards him "You're a life sa—"

I couldn't finish my sentence because of the sight that was displayed in front of me. There he was, wearing nothing but a white towel wrapping his waist that slightly shows his V line. Water drips from his green hair as he brush it aside, letting some of the water runs onto his chest. His body was showing a shade of muscle, which suits him nicely.

"Saver?" He asked, walking more closer to me.

"U-Um yeah," I said, looking back into my pan.

"Oh Mark!" He said as he poked at my shoulder. I gulped, feeling uneasy. "Y-Yes?" I asked as I moved my body, looking at him. He was even closer now, only a couple of centimeter separates us. "Mind if I use your shirt?"

"No, not at all." I answered stiffly, giving him a straight face, trying to hide my emotions.

"Thanks buddy!" He cheered as he ran towards the bathroom like nothing happened. He walked outside minutes later with my shirt on. He was wearing my favorite t-shirt and it was a bit oversized for him, which made me smile. "It suits you."

"It's too big!" He laughs in response. "But thanks for the compliment."

"Anytime man." I said as I put my pancakes on the stacks and bring it to the dining table. "For you." I grinned.

"No, for us." He grinned back, which made me chuckled. "Oh, let me take your coffee and aspirin."

"Don't forget the maple syrup!" He shouted as I gave him a nod in reply.

Honestly, it was the first time we properly eat together and talk a bit about our lives and college. "Him?! I HATE that fucking guy!" He groaned. "Well, it's because you don't attend his class that often." I giggled, shoving more pancakes into my mouth. "Whatever, I still hate that bastard." He answered as he drank his black coffee.

As time goes on, we ended up sitting on the couch, watching some random TV show to kill some time. There is still around 2 hours until my class started and even more hours before his. We ended up watching a show called Rick and Morty.

"Mark, you should DEFINITELY watch this show! It's freakin' awesome!" He spoke, as he looked at me in the eyes with determination. "Sure, why not?"

After a couple of episodes, I can feel that he was leaning closer to me, making me blush lightly. But I don't mind though, not at all. 

"Jack, I swear to god your voice sounded like Mr. meeseeks." I laughed as I pointed at the TV screen.

Jack suddenly sits up, made me feel a bit sad that he moved away from me. His face was blank which changes drastically into a goofy smile as he said, "Hi, I'm Mr. meeseeks, look at me!"

I laughed uncontrollably, which caused him to laughed along side with me. "See? What did I told you?" He answered with a nod, still laughing. After we stop laughing, he moved back close to me, but this time he lays his head on my shoulder. He doesn't seem mind about it, which made me more relaxed. I slowly put my hand on his shoulder, earning a stare from him but then, he grab my hand gently and smiled. We watched more of the show and laughed here and there, without a care for the world around us.

[Ayy, more fluff! Im in the mood to write fluff. Hope you don't mind :P Personally, I love this chapter! Anyways, thank you for reading! <3]

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