J-9 - Brooke's Secret

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I gazed the shadows around me for a very long time. I couldn’t remember the last time I breathed, and it came obvious to me. “So this is it, I thought, this is what happen when you disappear.” I looked around me to see my brother, but all I could see was the white fog, that kept me from breathing. I came to the idea of getting up. I quickly realized I didn’t have the strength for this action. I let myself collapse, uneasily. That’s when I heard this voice.

I woke up on my grandma’s bed, the one I used to sleep in every time we visited her, but it has been a while we haven’t. I recognized it immediately by the sheets color, whose I always thought were too much sparkling. It took me a great minute to wonder what I was doing here. And I didn’t find the answer. I stood up, alert. Looking around me, I could assert I was actually really in my grandma’s house, and not only on her bed. I heard screaming downstairs, which scared me. When I heard footsteps going up the stairs, I hid in a closet, making sure to leave a little gap to see what was going on outside my hideaway. I restrained myself from screaming when I saw my little sister Leila entering the room. I was happy outright, before noticing it wasn’t really her. At least, not the one that knew about J. and everything. It was the little Leila, who had perhaps 9 or 10 years old. I freaked out even more when I saw Megan Tennesco; Megan Tennesco with 13 years old. Both of them approached my closet, and I was scare they would open it. But they didn’t. I saw little Megan taking out a cigarette of her pocket and lighting it up. “I don’t smoke!” I almost yelled out. On the other side, she didn’t smoke it. She lit the bed on fire. I remembered the day of Christmas 2009 I burned down the ugly sheets. I also remembered how I burned my forefinger. I instantly looked at it. The scar that remained after the years wasn’t there, which didn’t totally surprise me. I got it. It will be in a second. As the bed went on fire, I saw little Megan smiling. She or I was visibly happy those ugly sheets were incinerated. I didn’t know back in this time it would cost a scar. I felt my finger burning as well when she innocently touched the flames. It had hurt, but I couldn’t afford to scream, of course. Therefore, I knew they will go to the hospital soon, which meant I could get out of this closet. I waited 10 minutes, and they were all gone. But when I came out, so was I.

I woke up again on my next location bed. I didn’t recognize the location yet. “Megan Megan!” I heard. Jane pushed me down the bed. I opened my eyes. “You are late.” She said before running away. It looked like 5 or 6 years old Jane. The fact she saw me “normal” meant I must be younger. I ran at the mirror. Right in front of me was standing a younger me. I had short hair and was wearing an “I heart NY” t-shirt. It was traumatically weird. Jane ran up the stairs again. “You are late!” She repeated. “Late for what?” I thought. Little Leila ran in my room. “You’re not excited to see your little sister?” She asked me. “To see…who?” I asked. “The baby!” She exclaimed. “Oh... Bianca?” I noticed out loud. “Who is Bianca? She replied, you’re funny Meg!” And she left as excited. I looked in the mirror again. “I shouldn’t be here.” I told myself. At this very moment, I found myself lying on grass. All those sudden teleportation were getting on my nerves and I had a headache. I preferred lying there than standing up. This place wasn’t reminding me any memories and it was good for me. Unluckily, a girl ran over me. Well in fact, I stood out alert before it happened. I moved back when I saw her face; Jordan. She was wearing the Burberry jeans I bought her for Christmas 2 years ago. “You!” I screamed when she tried to approach me. “I have something for you.” She said. She put down a book then left. I hesitated on whether I take it or not. I decided to take it. The book was title: My decree. The first pages condensed:

This is my choice, so you must take it or leave it but you can’t leave it unless you die.

I will take you wherever I want whenever I want as I want, and you can’t change that.

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