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     "But, I don't want you to go, Casper..." I said, with pain prominent in my voice.

     Casper slid closer to me on the bench, and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "I have to..." He paused, "I can't stay here without my parents." He added.

     I looked down at my hands, I breathed out with a huff and I could see my breath swirling in the midnight air, "You're my best friend..." I trailed off.

     Even though Casper McFadden was twelve and I was ten, he was the best friend I've ever had and I never wanted that to change. We had been best friends since we were babies, and I don't know what moving away would do to our friendship. I mean he was moving all the way to Boise, Idaho, and I'd be stuck in Friendship, Maine, without him.

     "And you're mine." He replied. I looked up at him, and I saw a smile slowly come across his face, "Forever..." He added. I looked into his sparkling blue eyes; which were illuminated by the moon, and I nodded my head, "Come on, let's get you home." He said with a smile.


     Casper walked me home, and we stopped once we got to the front door. We stood there and looked at each other, not really knowing what to say. You could hear the light chirping of crickets, and the I could see the glow of the moon fall upon Casper's face. His blonde hair glowed in the moon light, and his blue eyes were more prominent, "Well, I guess goodbye..." He said with hesitance in his voice.

     My heart skipped a beat, and I felt like tears would slip out at any moment. I couldn't bring my self to say anything, Casper took hold of my right hand and kissed it lightly. I looked at him with water-filled eyes, and he looked back with pain-filled eyes. He let go of my hand, and turned and walked away, "It doesn't have to be." I croaked out.

     Casper stopped, and turned around, "What do you mean...?" He asked with confusion.

     I tucked a piece of my long black hair behind my ear, and cleared my throat, "I mean..." I trailed, "Will you just...hold me...?" I asked hesitantly.

     He looked up with surprise etched on his face, he ran his hand through his hair, and nodded his head, "Yeah."

     I took a deep breath, and nodded my head too. Casper held my hand all the way up to my room, I let go and opened the door to my room. We both walked in and I made my way over to my bureau, and I turned on my jewelry box. The little ballerina started to spin, and the sweet lullaby started to play.

     I started to take my hair out of my ponytail, and I let my long black hair cascade down my shoulders. I looked into the mirror, to see Casper twirling around and he stopped once he saw turn around, "See, I'm a good dancer." He replied with a smile.

     I smiled and shook my head at him, "I see." I walked over to my bed and plopped down with my back towards Casper. Casper came around to the other side and laid down next me, and he faced the ceiling, "Sometimes I worry..." I paused, "That I'm starting to forget." I added with a whisper, and I turned to face the ceiling too.

     "Forget what?" Casper asked as he turned on his side towards me.

     "My mom..." I replied, "Just certain things. The sound of her making breakfast downstairs, the way she put on her lipstick so carefully..." I added. I took a second to lay there and look back on memories of my mother, and I knew that Casper was all ears, "I do remember." I whispered, The way she'd hug me, and when she'd sing me to sleep." I put one arm behind my head, and I sighed, "If my mom's a ghost, did she forget about me?" I asked in a whisper.

     I could feel Casper's eyes on me, and replied, "No, she'd never forget you." I felt myself started to drift off, "Willow?" I heard Casper say lightly.

     I stirred softly, "Mm-hmm?" I mumbled.

     "I'll never forget you." I heard Casper state, "Willow?"


   "Can I keep you?" He whispered.

     "Mm-hmm." I replied sleepily, and I felt Casper gently kiss me on the cheek.


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