Chapter two

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I eagerly followed the little boy inside. The instant that I saw the inside of the house I could barely think that this was the home of a girl who was born to fight for her life and most importantly, to save  thousands and thousands of people from the evil plans of the dark side. The house felt secure, steady and certainly not made for anything magical. I felt like I wasn't needed there, it was more than clear that she would be fine growing up to be a fine young woman until time was ready to reveal her true identity. Until then, I would guide and guard her and save her whenever it was necessary.

Liam caught me of guard when he suddenly announced that we had to go upstairs. " Try not to step on the first step," he looks around and whispers, "it makes noise." 

I smiled because of his innocence and skipped the first step like he had told me to. We gently made our way upstairs and made a turn to the second corridor and he stood still by the second door on our left. " Here it is." He whispered. On the door hung a little sign with the name Jess on it.  I couldn't believe it, after all those times, I had finally found her. My real task could finally begin. 

Liam stood on the tips of his toes to reach for the doorknob, which made my body fill itself with excitement. I wanted to give him a hand with it but just when I wanted to help him, the door opened. The room was painted a bright blue. There was a small wardrobe opposite from the door. On my right, there was a bunch of toys that were probably gifts from the girl's family. The toy that stood out the most was a teddy bear with a t-shirt that said: Good luck. 

Luck... That was exactly what she would be needing. And against the wall by the window there was a manger  with a peacefully sleeping baby inside. Liam spontaneously took my hand and dragged me to the manger. " Look." He said. 

I looked down and saw a baby moving her little arms. She was also making some sort of dreaming noises. I couldn't help but to smile at that sight. How could such a little girl be destined for such great danger. I didn't understand why I would put her in a situation like this. She would never be able to fit in because wherever she will go, she will be confronted with the fact that she is different. I had no choice though, it was my word against everybody else's, which actually pained me a lot.

I gently reached out my index finger and softly stroke her cheek with the back of it. But just as I had touched her , her eyes flew open. First, she just stared at me like she was wondering  if she could trust me. She gave me a genuine little smile but I suppose that every baby does that, right? She then grabbed my finger that was still lying on the side of the manger and looked  straight at me with eyes that held something so beautiful that I couldn't put it into words. 

I turned around to find Liam, who was absentmindedly standing against the door. Without releasing the little hand of Jess I said to Liam: " You have a very beautiful sister." He gave me a sarcastic laugh, like he didn't believe me. " It's true." I assured him. " Sure." He spat.

I let Jess release me and I sat next to Liam, on the floor. " What's wrong?" I asked.

He let out a deep sigh and looked intently at me. " Since she is born, everything is about her. I don't count anymore." 

I frowned. " You mustn't think like that." I said. " I'm sure that your parents love you two equally. But you know,  you're already a big boy. That girl there in that manger, doesn't even know any manners nor does she know what a football is." I said jokingly. That statement made him laugh. I ruffled through his hair and he laughed even more. " You know, you're alright... uh... what's your name again?" I chuckled. " Jay." 

" You're cool Jay." 

I laughed. " Thanks" 

And just as I thought that everything was going pretty well, I saw the street lights go out and in the distance I swear I had seen a figure moving. I instantly jumped up and without hesitating, I told Liam to stay away from the window. " What's happening?!?" he yelled at me, obviously panicking because of  my sudden reaction. 

" Keep calm, nothing will happen to you." I said comfortingly . His eyes were filled with fear and I really wished that I could make that fear disappear. Suddenly the electricity in the house was down too and the mood changed immediately into agony. 

" Jay..." Liam sobbed uncontrollably. 

Jess must have felt our fear and our blood that was pumping rapidly through our veins, because of the adrenaline. She started to scream like there was a stake pierced right through her heart. Her scream made my hair stand on end and I felt power drain from my body. I couldn't let anything possibly happen to her. I ran to the manger,  picked her up and opened the door to the hallway. Liam guided me over to another room not so far from us. We closed the door and locked it. 

Jess was still crying. I pulled her close to me and whispered: please don't cry, everything will be fine, we'll be save." I said even though I didn't really now if I was speaking the truth. And just as I had said that, the lights turned back on. 

Liam sighed with relief. " What was that?" he asked me curiously. I swallowed hard. " Honestly, I don't know." I wasn't lying, I didn't know although I had a slight idea of who it could have been. 

I saw that Liam was still worried and that he had expected to meet a serial killer, by the seriousness of my reaction. 

" Everything's fine." I reassured him. 

I looked down to see Jess, who was peacefully sleeping in my arms. I carefully stood up and Liam opened the door. We followed the hallway back to the room where we were in before. I gracefully put Jess back into the manger and turned back to Liam. I knelt beside him to be on the same height and looked him straight in the eye. " Liam, you have to promise me something." 

He nodded and looked at me like his life was depending on what I was going to say." You have to promise me that you'll take good care of your sister." I swallowed, " and if this ever happens again, don't go search for it, I'll be there," I paused for a second to look if he understood and most importantly, believed what I was saying. " I promise."

He nodded again. " Wait until my parents hear what happened" he said. I shook my head. " No Liam, you can't tell anything to your parents, not about me, not about what happened, I need you to trust me on this, okay?" 

I know it's hard for a boy of that age to keep secrets and I know that he has been taught not to talk to strangers but I needed him to and I know that I was putting my exposure at risk but I had no choice. Liam had to do as I asked him to do. 

" Okay" Liam said determinedly. 

I sighed deeply and straightened my back. I looked once more to Liam and back to the manger, where Jess was, hopefully, sleeping like a rose. " I'll be back but for now I have to go." I told Liam without looking at him. 

I moved to go downstairs and Liam followed me. As I reached the door, I looked behind me to Liam, who I had asked the impossible. 

" Are you going home?" He asked me suddenly. I awkwardly scratched my head and nodded. " Sort of." I said. 

" I still don't understand." He said while he was approaching me. I smiled at his innocence and replied: " You will when you're older, and until then, adios superman." I smiled and ruffled his hair. 

He laughed and watched my back when I went outside. i looked behind me once more before I ran back to the dense forest where probably Will is forging a plan to kill me. 

I once again became one with the darkness and disappeared before you had even realised that I was gone. I ran into the forest while I heard a distant and silent whisper of hope.

" I trust you Jay" 

I smiled at the words from Liam and before I had even realised I had found my way back where Will was eagerly waiting for my return.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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